7 Signs You Should Be Practicing More Self Care ...


Do you have any of these signs that you should be practicing self care on a more regular basis? Self care is something that we all need and most of us do not get enough of. Giving yourself self care will make you a better version of yourself. If you have any of the following signs you should probably be practicing self care on a more frequent basis.

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1. You Don’t Know What Self Care is

If you don’t know what self care is then chances are very high that you should be practicing self care on a more frequent basis. Self care is doing things to nurture yourself mentally, physically, emotionally or socially. It is giving yourself time and attention to do things that make you feel stronger and happier. Some examples might be working out, reading a book, having lunch with a friend or having your nails done. If it makes you feel better or stronger, it could be classified as self care.

2. You Are over Scheduled

If you are overscheduled, chances are you are not practicing self care as often as you should. Is your schedule crammed full? Can you not recall the last time you had a free weekend? If those are true of you, you need to slow things down so you can give yourself self care. We are at our best when we nurture ourselves.

3. You Feel Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed is something most women can identify with. Your plates are full but taking time for self care can help you to relax. It helps that overwhelmed feeling to slip away. In fact, for me, when I begin to feel overwhelmed, I know that means I need to do something just for me very soon.

4. You Can’t Remember the Last Time You Did Something for Yourself

If you cannot remember the last time you did something for yourself, you are in huge need of self care. We should strive to do at least a couple of things for ourselves each day. Yes, it can be hard to do that but it makes you a better you. Once you get in the habit of doing this you will see what a difference it makes. You will feel refreshed and less stressed.

5. You Feel Burned out on the Job

Even if we love our jobs, sometimes we feel burned out. When you get to that point, you are probably feeling depleted of what you have to give. Giving yourself self care can help you recharge. It can help you feel excited about your work again. It isn’t a fix for every work problem but it can absolutely help you deal.

6. You Feel Envious of Those That do Practice Self Care

Have you ever felt envious of someone that was practicing self care? Maybe your best friend goes to yoga and you envy her for having the time and opportunity to do so. Instead of getting caught up in envy, figure out ways to practice your own self care. You may not be able to do the exact thing that the person you envy does, but there are a lot of options for self care. Find one that works for you.

7. You Feel Anxious or Depressed

If you feel anxious or depressed, self care can help you to feel better. Of course, self care is never the replacement for medical care and can’t be expected to be. But self care can help if you are dealing with anxiety or depression. Self care lifts your spirits. It can also help you to feel more relaxed and in control of your life.

Do you make it a habit to practice self care? What are your favorite ways to do this? Self care is important for all of us to practice.

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Thanks so much!!

Great article!!

All of these.. 😕

Bcos u is all what matters

Thanks.....so nice information....thanks so much......

Love this. I find reading a book, journaling on my computer, and just going out I on my own to a nice meal help. I also enjoy coloring in my mandala coloring book. I bought it on amazon. and it relaxes me and helps me feel creative. ;)

I recently practised a bit of self care by asking myself what my goals in life are and making a plan for the future. It rarely goes exactly to plan, but it helps motivate me! Then it's just a matter of figuring out how and when to accomplish everything!

I seriously need to start doing these things more often!

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