How to Make Your Period More Bearable   ...


How to Make Your Period More Bearable   ...
How to Make Your Period More Bearable   ...

Your period is a real pain, but you can't do anything to stop it from happening. However, there are ways for you to make it more bearable. All you have to do is watch what you put into your body. If you're dreading that time of the month, here are a few tips for making your period more bearable:

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1. Track Its Timing

The worst thing your period can do is catch you by surprise. You don't want to wear pretty white jeans, only to find out in the middle of the day that Aunt Flo decided to visit. There are plenty of free apps out there that'll help you track your period so it’s not a surprise. If you know when it's coming, then you can prepare for it, which will make your days a whole lot easier.

2. Remember to Eat Right

Your cravings are going to be crazy while you're on your period, but you can try to resist them. Things like fatty foods and dairy can make your cramps worse, so if you're craving ice cream or a cup of milk with cookies, you might have to find something else to stuff your face with. You wouldn't want to make your symptoms worse.

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3. Have a Heating Pad

If you suffer from horrible cramps and back pain, you should invest in a heating pad. The bigger, the better, because you want it to cover as much area as possible. If you don't have the time or money to buy a heating pad, you can pour some hot water into an empty soda bottle and rest it on your sore spots instead. It's a cheap alternative.

4. Stock up on Calcium

Calcium will help you relieve breast tenderness and stop your junk food cravings. Since you want to stay away from diary, try eating vegetables or spices that are high in calcium. They should give you the nutrients that you need without making your body feel weak. In fact, they'll make you feel a million times better.

5. Get Some Sleep

You'll feel amazing after getting a full night of sleep. Even if you normally only get five hours, make a point to get more than that when your period pops up. Cramps and headaches are bad enough, so being tired on top of that will ruin your entire day. Do yourself a favor and set aside a few extra hours to spend sleeping. Your body will appreciate it.

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6. Have Medication on Hand

Don't be afraid to take medication. There's nothing wrong with popping a few pills, as long as you know what is and isn't healthy. When your cramps are too bad to deal with, the medication will alleviate your pain. Just make sure that you know what type is right for you and your body. Ask your gynecologist about it during your next visit.

7. Time to Treat Yourself

Periods are stressful. That's why women deserve to do something fun whenever that time of the month arrives. Instead of treating yourself by buying boxes of chocolate, book an appointment for a massage or to get your nails done. It'll make you feel better about your body.

Periods aren't any fun, but we're going to have to deal with them for quite a while. That's why we might as well make the best of it. What do you do during your period to make it more bearable?

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Take two Aleve twice a day beginning two days before you expect your cramps until when the cramps are normally gone. Many people have almost no cramps when they do this.

Raspberry Tea by traditional medicinal has worked wonders for my cramps. Also shrunk my fibroids.

I'm totally uncomfortable during my periods... To get on it I used to remember something which I like or love to shift my mind from thinking about pain...

I REALLY recommend the app CLUE, it really works for me!

Good article

Hmm... Exercise can help sometimes, but I wouldn't advise it if the pain is REALLY bad. Before I got the pill to manage mine better I used to spend at least a day curled up on the floor crying in agony and often throwing up as well. If you do use exercise to manage the pain, I would advise from personal experience that you do it in private: once, in school, I burst into tears about ten minutes into a PE lesson because the pain was so bad. A friend rang her mum to give me a lift home and, once the cramps had subsided, I was soo embarrassed!

I find exercise helps but sometimes that can be a chore especially if your period is heavy. A heating bottle helps and hot drinks

Hi I get very unbearable pain during my periods also sometimes vomit and pass out, I apply a heating pad and take pain killers but they don't help can someone let me know a better way so I can make the pain go away? Will really appreciate all ur help thanks

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