7 Things Everyone Should Know about PCOS ...


There are a few things that you should know about PCOS. Firstly, it affects a large number of females, and it is chronically underdiagnosed. Next, there is treatment if you do suffer from it – and the earlier you get it, the more comfortable you will be. Here’s an overview of all the things that you should know about PCOS, made simple.

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1. What is PCOS?

One of the first things that you should know about PCOS is what the condition actually is. Although it’s usually referred to as PCOS, the full name for this condition is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It’s an endocrine condition, which means it affects your hormone levels.

2. What Are the Symptoms of PCOS?

The most common symptom of PCOS are enlarged, fluid-filled cysts on the ovaries. It’s very important to remember that these are a symptom, though, and they do not cause PCOS! Other common symptoms include irregular periods, cystic acne, coarse body hair and hair-thinning, although there is a wide variety of symptoms and most sufferers won’t have them all.

Frequently asked questions

3. How Does PCOS Affect Periods?

People with PCOS usually suffer from irregular periods. This can mean that they are infrequent, rather than once a month, or unpredictable. You might also suffer from very heavy periods or find that your periods last varying lengths. Some people with PCOS have relatively normal and regular periods, although this is less common.

4. What Causes PCOS?

Nobody knows what causes PCOS. There is a whole host of theories and studies, but nobody has actually identified the cause. The most commonly held belief is that PCOS might be hereditary, which means that if your mum or older sisters suffer, you are likely to as well.

5. What Does Having PCOS Mean?

PCOS isn’t fatal – it’s not going to kill you! In the worst case, it can lead to sufferers developing other conditions such as diabetes. Otherwise, people with PCOS can find conceiving difficult and may suffer from abnormal bleeding, uterine cancer or cholesterol complications. Sleep apnea is also commonly linked with PCOS.

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6. How is PCOS Diagnosed?

PCOS needs to be diagnosed by a doctor, so your first step is to see your doctor and explain your symptoms. Your doctor may order a pelvic exam, conduct blood tests or order an ultrasound. They may do all three. While an ultrasound is not a reliable way to diagnose PCOS, it will show whether your ovaries are looking enlarged, which is a helpful indicator. You will also be able to talk to your doctor about your medical history, including any medications that you take and whether your family suffers from PCOS. This will help your doctor to assess risks.

7. How is PCOS Treated?

One of the most important things that you need to know about PCOS is how the condition is treated. Treatment will depend on your specific case and on your symptoms. If you have irregular periods, for example, your doctor might suggest birth control that can help to regulate these. For acne, you can be referred to a dermatologist who will prescribe stronger medications. For obesity, your doctor will recommend a diet and fitness program, or refer you to a local scheme.

One of the biggest complaints from people being treated for PCOS is that they feel alone and let down, and didn’t realize that they could get help. That’s why it’s so important to learn these things that you should know about PCOS, and get yourself out if you’re exhibiting symptoms. Up to 10% of women have PCOS, so you’re definitely not alone! Do you have PCOS?

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I felt so alone because I haven't met anyone that has it. What I suffer from the most is the extreme, irregular periods, the abnormal hair growth, and obesity. :(

I'm 16 and i have been diagnosed with this when i was 15. I really want to have kids in the future, i think this affects my chances. My doctor prescribed me metaformin HCL , a diabetic pill, it has helped a lot with loosing weight.

I was diagnosed in 2012 I'm 25 now and my periods are some what better. I went 6 months without a period in 2009, and in 2012 I went 6 months with an ongoing period. I never had acne growing up but just developed it now, I'm on medication for the acne it has gotten a lot better. Also, my hair is thinning I didn't know why because I take excellent care of my hair. If anyone has any tips on hair products that thickens please let me know. . .

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 3 years ago. I was put on birth control which regulated my periods - yay - but I tried to see if my periods would come often without the birth control and my trial failed. I haven't had my period for more than a year now.

I'm 25 and have been diagnosed with pcos since I was 20-21. I haven't had my period since I was 17. :/

I've been diagnosed with PCOS 10 years ago & I've been given meds by my GYN. I think what really helped was me getting more active. Getting back in shape, staying on my ideal weight kept my period regular.

Once I was put on birth control, my issues with ovulating and my period stopped. I am however worried about my ability to have children, though I am not planning on having them anytime soon. My biggest issues are the cystic canes, thick body hair (especially in places that women shouldn't have much hair), and thinning hair on my head. Sometime PCOS makes me feel kind of manly :(

My biggest issue is thick hair, I shave and a day later it's back! I'm pretty sure I was genetically cursed!

It turns out I'm not alone. I was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago. Since then I have taken medication (a whole 6 months worth) which brought my periods back but they went away again at the beginning of this year and haven't been back since. I'm on a strict diet and exercise regimen which I hope will help. My doctor also mentioned that it could be caused by a family history of diabetes which I have... -.- #icantbelieveimsayingthisbutiwantmyperiodsback

Btw it really gives me great pleasure to know I'm not alone with this good luck to all & may you Continue to have good health

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