7 Things to Ask Your Gynecologist Next Time You're in for a Visit ...

Heather Feb 14, 2025

7 Things to Ask Your Gynecologist Next Time You're in for a Visit ...
7 Things to Ask Your Gynecologist Next Time You're in for a Visit ...

No woman enjoys going to the gynecologist, or at least any that I know, but despite the dread of attending this yearly visit, there are some things to ask your gynecologist you need to be aware of for your next appointment. Many times, just one or two answers to important questions can be tips for gynecologists that relay information about possible health scares or reproductive issues. Fertility is an issue for many women, and so many things can affect how fertile a woman is or isn’t. Your gynecologist can also be your best friend on health topics like breast cancer prevention or treatment, disease prevention, vaginal health of course, and issues with your hormones, which we all have! Make a list of some concerns you might have regarding your health, and don’t forget the small stuff. Things like headaches, stomachaches and even rashes can be things you doctor needs to know about. Keep a list of these important things to ask your gynecologist next time you go. One answer to these questions could possibly save your life, or at least give you some relief about a health issue that may be bothering you, no matter how embarrassing it may be. Remember, they’ve seen it all, so don’t hold back!

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1. Is Itching Normal?

One of the most important and common things to ask your gynecologist is regarding if you suffer vaginal itching. If you do on a regular basis, you could be suffering from a yeast imbalance in the body, which can be fixed through a diet treatment, and/or medication. Itching can also be a sign of vaginal dryness during menopause and pre-menopause. Talk to your doctor about this irritating issue so she can give you a cream or oral supplement to help and give you dietary advice to help as well.

2. Why do My Breasts Hurt?

Your breast health is one of the most important parts of your health as a woman. There’s no better person to talk to about this issue than your gynecologist, so be sure you ask her about any pains, cysts or uncomfortable issues you have regarding your breasts. Never leave anything out about this issue, since it can be a huge alert that might just save you from a health nightmare later on down the road.

3. What Are My Birth Control Options?

If you haven’t reached menopause yet, birth control is an issue to always ask your gynecologist about. There are always new forms of birth control on the market, made for women with different needs. Many contain no hormones like the old forms, and aren’t as risky for breast cancer like older versions are. There are oral supplement forms as well as IUDs that can be inserted externally in the vaginal cavity where you won’t ever feel them, but will get the same benefits. Ask your doctor which kind is best for you, and be sure to tell her or him about any concerns you have regarding how they affect your hormones, skin, intercourse, and/or weight.

4. Why do I Get so Many Headaches?

Headaches can be a sign of hormonal changes or nutritional deficiencies in the body. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you get frequent migraines or reoccurring headaches. Many times, this can be treated with a hormone supplement, birth control pills, or your doctor may be able to help you sort out any food issues that could be causing this as well. During the early stages of pre-menopause and menopause, many women suffer hormonal changes that lead to headaches. By asking your doctor about headaches you might have, you’ll be able to give her a clear indicator of where you are in your menstrual cycle’s lifespan.

5. Why Are My Periods so Heavy?

Heavy periods can be a sign of many things, and aren’t always a red flag for a major health scare. Though they can be signs of PCOS or other hormone disorders in the body, they aren’t always. Ask your doctor so that they can figure out what is going on to help regulate your periods to make them less heavy and more regular.

6. Why Am I Not Having a Period?

If you’re not having a period and are too young to be entering menopause, please talk to your doctor. This is something I never spoke out about on purpose. I knew I was underweight and this was the reason I wasn’t telling my doctor about my missed periods for years on end. Your doctor needs to know if you lose your period because she may be able to help save your possibilities for fertility before it’s too late. Missed periods can be a sign of physical stress, being underweight, being overweight, or can be linked to several different hormone related disorders. This is one of your greatest signs as a woman something is out of balance so be sure to pay attention to this.

7. Why Does Sex Hurt?

If you are sexually active and suffer pain from it, then you especially need to mention this to your doctor. It is nothing to be embarrassed about, but should be addressed so that your gynecologist can make sure nothing is going on that needs further attention. Your doctor can help you find a treatment plan that is safe, efficient and effective for helping you feel less pain during sex.

Believe it or not, your doctor wants you to ask them these questions. Talking to your gynecologist is like being able to ask all the hard-to-discuss feminine topics that you don’t just bring up at the dinner table or office! Look at this time with your gynecologist as an opportunity, not a dreaded nightmare. Have you ever had to ask your gynecologist a hard question before?

Sources: womansday.com

Feedback Junction

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My period skips around, and my mom won't take me to the gyno

#3 Noo don't do that, you go to h3ll for mortal sin. If it's a sin for me to get married, it's a sin for all this blasphemy

I'm 24, I "lost" my monthly cycle four months ago, and before that it was MIA for nine months. My doctors have no solution that does not involve the pill (which I can not take) and they don't seem to care. I gave up trying to find a solution. Long story short: any tips on how to get them to help when there's clearly a problem?

@ Liamnabelle find a new doctor if yours isn't willing to listen and look for a solution. Make sure the new doctor knows you are concerned and about any testing you've already had done so they can request your records so you don't have to repeat unnecessary tests. Good luck!

I always like ur diff n helpful articles keep up the good work

@Ha_Harman it is normal for a young girl to have irregular periods at first, but you should inform your primary care doctor. He could tell your mom to take you to a Gyn if needed.

#5 LOL

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