7 Things to Consider before Choosing a Nutritionist ...


Choosing a nutritionist doesn’t have to be hard. This is a person who can explain the ins and outs of which nutrients your body needs and how much of each to aim for on a typical day. A good nutritionist takes many things into account, but finding the right one takes a bit of detective work. Check out these tips for choosing a nutritionist and you’ll be well on your way to a healthy new you.

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It’s not going to be easy to work with someone you don’t connect with, so make sure that when you’re choosing a nutritionist, you find someone you have rapport with. That means it’s easy to talk to each other, you can laugh and discuss your options while feeling totally comfortable. Think of your nutritionist as a “friend” who gives you really good advice.



Becoming a nutritionist requires some schooling, though it’s not the same degree field as a registered dietician. However, you want to make sure the person you work with has experience and education in nutrition so you know you’re getting the best advice and tips possible. Don’t just go to anyone who hangs out their shingle. Ask for references and proof of a certificate or degree in the field.



Ok, once you’re sure the nutritionist is well-qualified and well-educated, you need to check that he or she is licensed to practice. Without a license it’s not legal for someone to work as a true nutritionist. At the same time, someone who has their license revoked may have been investigated for poor business practices or bad and dangerous advice.


Personal Information

Diet isn’t a one size fits all thing, so a good nutritionist should be willing to work with your specific goals and health conditions to create a meal plan that is tailor made for you. If she doesn’t ask lots of questions or have you fill out an information sheet, she might be prepared to give you a generic plan that might not work for you. Your diet depends on many factors and a good nutritionist should talk those through with you before creating a plan.



Chances are if your nutritionist is miles and miles away from your house, you might not be all that motivated to get to appointments, especially if your lifestyle is busy and you struggle to find the time. For that reason, find a nutritionist that’s close to home. That way, you only have a short distance to go to visit. Also, if you need an emergency meeting or have a question that requires a face to face appointment, you can take care of it quickly.

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A Doable Plan

Nutritionists are prepared with loads of tips and methods to revamp your diet, but if the plan is too confusing or requires a lot of time and effort, it’s probably not for you. A good nutritionist will offer suggestions and meal plans that fit with your lifestyle and schedule so you have all the potential for success that you need. Talk about your food preferences, how much time you have to cook, and where you eat so you can come up with meals and snacks that work for all situations.


Sharing of Information

This is important for two reasons. You don’t want your nutritionist to leak information to just anyone. However, it’s a good idea to give him or her permission to let your general care doctor know what’s going on so that when you have appointments for medical reasons, your diet is taken into account as a cause or effect of changes to your health. Make sure you sign a release form clearly indicating who it’s okay to give your information too.

Do you think a nutritionist could help you eat better? I love getting meal ideas and recipes from other people, so I think a nutritionist would be beneficial for anyone’s health. What do you think?

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I have been very fortunate to have seen a fantastic nutritionist - it has helped me to spot the fakes in my new area. So much so, I can't find a decent nutritionist in Cornwall - anyone??

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