If you've been diagnosed, there are some things you should know about endometriosis so that you can take care of yourself. Endometriosis is a health condition that causes tissue to grow outside your uterus. It can be very painful and can interfere with fertility so it is important to see your doctor and have it treated. So here are some things you should know about endometriosis.
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1. You'll Hear “You Don’t Look Sick”
This is the worst thing you can say to somebody that suffers from a chronic illness. Reporting back to work after an absence without a stuffy nose or sore throat always requires some complicated explanation, which your coworkers would never understand anyway. Feeling sick, but not looking sick is one of the things you should know about endometriosis so you can be prepared for the road ahead.
2. Not an Excuse
Speaking of missing work, it’s awful and not just “some excuse.”
Let’s not forget missing out on social events because you are at home in paralyzing pain.
4. Regular Hospital Visits
Hospital visits are a very real scenario when the pain gets unbearable, making the disease even more expensive. And you might find yourself there quite often if you don't seek treatment.
5. No Quick Fix
Friends, family and coworkers assume you can go to a doctor and they can fix it. That’s not the case. There is no cure. Some treatments include surgeries, hormones, and pills. Surgery sounds like a great fix, right? Guess again. It simply removes the tissue that grew, just so that more can grow in its place!
6. It's Hard to Find the Right Doctor
Finding a doctor that doesn’t write off your symptoms as menstrual pain or gastrointestinal problems is challenging, sometimes nearly impossible.
7. It's Hard to Explain
Explaining the disease is just about as difficult as coping with the pain.
8. Pain during That Time of the Month
I can almost guarantee that the pain is generally centralized around that time of the month, it is NOT “just menstrual cramps.”
9. Pregnancy?
A female with presents with abdominal pain and the assumption can sometimes be that she is pregnant. In fact, for many with endometriosis, pregnancy may not even be possible.
10. Having Babies
Some women have even reported relief of their symptoms after having children. This isn't a good reason to get pregnant (if you can) - make sure it's the right time first.
11. Painful Sex
During a flare up of your endometriosis, sex is nearly impossible and for some sufferers it is always painful.
12. Hurting Relationships
Marriages fail because of endometriosis. If you have it and are married, seek help to keep your marriage healthy and happy.
13. Miscarriage is a Big Risk
“Congratulations!” You were able to get pregnant! It's important to prepare for the risk if a miscarriage before you have a successful pregnancy, which is common with women who have endometriosis. The emotional strain on yourself and your relationship can be tough so be ready for that too.
14. Last Resort Options
Very young women have had to undergo synthetically induced menopause or a hysterectomy, which may not even be the end of the pain. If you're out of options, talk to your doctor about your next steps.