Wondering what kinds of anxiety disorders you should know of? Let guest contributor Diana be your guide!
Anxiety can be debilitating for many people. It also shows itself in many different ways. Depending on your situation and mental health it will affect everyone differently. In me, it shows up as panic and picking at myself. If I have a scab or a cut I pick it over and over until it is infected. I just can’t seem to help myself. I panic over things that are not even happening. I panic because I fear what «may» happen. Here are some other disorders you should be aware of.
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1. Panic Disorder
If you have this type you may suddenly have a feeling of sheer terror. You may think you are having a heart attack. This can happen suddenly and over and over with no warning. You will feel like you are losing it and going crazy.
2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
People with OCD have constant thoughts or fears that cause them to perform certain rituals or routines. The thoughts are called obsessions, and the rituals are called compulsions. An example is a person with an unreasonable fear of germs who constantly washes his or her hands. You may also turn a light switch off and on many times or make sure the doors are locked over and over.
3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD can happen after a traumatic or terrifying event. It can be from a sexual or physical assault, a death in your family, or terrifying events like going to war. There are a lot of soldiers coming home with PTSD. Even a natural disaster like an earthquake or tornado can trigger PTSD.
4. Social Anxiety Disorder
This disorder leaves a person with a fear of social settings. Excessive worrying and self-consciousness about any social situation affects someone that has this. Most likely you will isolate yourself and stay inside. The fear is that you will be judged by others or you may do something embarrassing.
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5. Specific Phobias
This type of anxiety is when you are afraid of spiders, heights, flying in an airplane, etc. It can be anything that causes a paralyzing fear in you. The anxiety level is so high that you just cannot be around nor do the thing that you fear. Your fear is usually inappropriate to the situation and can cause you to avoid common daily situations.
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6. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
With this disorder you will have excessive and unrealistic worry and tension. There is nothing that provokes your anxiety. The anxiety is just there.
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7. Dependent Personality Disorder
This is when someone is dependent on another person for their happiness. You will spend much of your time trying to please others around you. This can make your anxiety worse because you do nothing for yourself. You are afraid to be alone and are extremely over-sensitive.
Anxiety disorders affect 19 million adults in the United States. Symptoms of anxiety disorders are varied. You can have uncontrollable thoughts, nightmares, problems sleeping, cold and sweaty hands. Some people constantly worry and think the worst is always going to happen. There is help out there though if you choose it. I take medications that help me tremendously. There is also psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. For some people, dietary and lifestyle changes help. There is also relaxation therapy. You can be helped and you can feel better.
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After reading this I think that I have dependent personality disorder when it comes to my ex-boyfriend. I get extremely sick or upset n have bad anxiety n panic attacks when things go wrong or we break up like now...any advice?
I have panic attacks, although they are quite rare now. I've come a very long way from a couple of years ago when I was having them daily! What helped me overcome them is to really understand that you have overcome them before and will overcome them again, and that it really all is made up in your mind. When an attack occurs I like to monitor it on a number scale, and prove to myself that it is getting better with time. Also playing games on my phone (like temple run) is a great distraction tool! Hope this helps! X
I am one of many who suffers from OCD. What you wrote is very true, in fact, it is exact. I unfortunately have mysophobia, which is a more severe type of germ phobia. I think it is good that you have an article like this because these phobias dictate many people's lives, including mine.
I have 5of 7 of these this article was very helpful and so were the comments! Thank you all for sharing!!
I have OCD and social anxiety
Can anxiety happen at any age? I believe I may have generalized anxiety disorder, but my my parents don't believe me when I try to bring up the topic
How would you get diagnosed? I've been wanting to for a while but I just have no idea where to get answers.
Wow this is very true and many people face is including myself
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Bri:After reading this I think that I have dependent personality disorder when it comes to my ex-boyfriend. I get extremely sick or upset n have bad anxiety n panic attacks when things go wrong or we break up like now...any advice?
alia:I have panic attacks, although they are quite rare now. I've come a very long way from a couple of years ago when I was having them daily! What helped me overcome them is to really understand that you have overcome them before and will overcome them again, and that it really all is made up in your mind. When an attack occurs I like to monitor it on a number scale, and prove to myself that it is getting better with time. Also playing games on my phone (like temple run) is a great distraction tool! Hope this helps! X
CCgirlie:I am one of many who suffers from OCD. What you wrote is very true, in fact, it is exact. I unfortunately have mysophobia, which is a more severe type of germ phobia. I think it is good that you have an article like this because these phobias dictate many people's lives, including mine.
Mandy:I have 5of 7 of these this article was very helpful and so were the comments! Thank you all for sharing!!
grunge:I have OCD and social anxiety
Kendra:Can anxiety happen at any age? I believe I may have generalized anxiety disorder, but my my parents don't believe me when I try to bring up the topic
Becca:How would you get diagnosed? I've been wanting to for a while but I just have no idea where to get answers.
Nicky:Wow this is very true and many people face is including myself
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