9 Types of Teas for Stress Relief ...


I’m a huge fan of drinking various types of tea for stress relief. One of my kitchen cabinets is basically a plethora of herbal tea blends, which I can’t seem to quit adding to. Some of my favorite products are different types of tea for stress relief, which I rotate and drink daily. Not only is tea full of antioxidants that promote anti-cancer, anti-aging, and weight loss benefits, but it's also wonderful for reducing stress, relieving tension, aiding in sleep when needed, or can even help reduce headaches and stomachaches from stress. Try some of my favorite types of tea for stress relief, and I bet you’ll learn to love them just as much as I do!

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Tulsi Tea

Tulsi Tea One of my latest favorite types of tea for stress relief is Tulsi tea. Tulsi is also known as holy basil, and is one of the best herbs you can consume for stress. Basil is rich in anti-stress properties, and many anti-viral properties as well. It reduces stress, inflammation, stomach illness, and headaches. Tulsi tea comes in many different flavors from lemon, to cinnamon, ginger, and even rose flavored. The tea is completely organic, all natural, and contains no GMOs. You can find it at any health food store.


Green Tea

Green Tea Green tea is not an herbal tea, but because it is extremely relaxing and relieves stress, it acts like many herbal teas do. I like green tea because it doesn’t give me a caffeine jolt like black tea, even though it does have caffeine. Green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which reduces stress and provides almost instant relief to the body. Green tea’s antioxidants also help reduce aging, fight weight gain, relieve headaches, and rejuvenate the body on a number of levels.



Chamomile Chamomile tea is an herbal tea made from chamomile flowers, and is my personal favorite to drink at night to help me rest. It also calms the stomach and is great for consuming if you’re really stressed and need to rest your mind. It reduces inflammation in the body and acts as a powerful mood booster as well.



Rooibos Rooibos, or red tea, is my personal favorite sweet herbal tea, though it has no sugar at all. It is made from the African Red Bush plant and is naturally fermented, which makes it tastes sweeter in flavor. It is my personal favorite for an upset stomach from stress, and is absolutely amazing for your skin. Rooibos helps clear your skin, lower stress, reduce pain and inflammation, and can aid in heart health as well. It is also caffeine-free.


Decaf Chai

Decaf Chai I love chai tea, but try to watch my caffeine intake, so I choose decaf forms of chai instead. Chai tea is comprised of black tea, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, and some forms contain orange peel or allspice, depending on the variety and region it is made. These spices are all excellent for digestion, stress, pain, inflammation, and fatigue. They help relax and rejuvenate your body at the same time. I love having chai as an after dinner treat, or first thing in the morning after coffee on a cold day.

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Lavender I’m sure you’ve heard that lavender is a great herb to reduce stress, aid in sleep, and help you relax, but have you ever had it as a tea? It’s amazing! Lavender tea is one of my personal favorite teas to make in loose leaf form. The lavender flowers aren’t only beautiful to brew, but also make your house smell nice, and the flavor is so much better fresh than in tea bag form. However, if you want something easy, you can find many tea bag forms of lavender at any health food store. Many relaxing tea blends or sleep teas contain lavender, so look for these and drink in the latter part of the day, or whenever you need a bit of rest.



Peppermint Peppermint tea is mainly known as a tea for healthy digestion and nausea, but it also helps reduce stress. Peppermint tea helps relax your body, and can help you focus on various tasks better as well. And obviously, if you have a tummy ache or indigestion, peppermint should be your go-to tea for this issue! It reduces spasms in the gastrointestinal tract and helps food move through your stomach more efficiently as well.


Lemon Tea

Lemon Tea Lemon tea is by far one of the most refreshing teas to drink. It comes in the form of lemon ginger tea many times, but sometimes you can find it as a stand alone blend. Lemon tea is excellent for enhancing digestion, relieving an acid stomach, relieving a headache, inflammation, pain, bloating, or just about anything else you can think of. If you can’t find a blend, then you can make your own at home by brewing about 2 whole lemons, halved, and the juices squeezed out, into 4 cups of boiling water. Let it cool enough to drink and enjoy!


HIbiscus Tea

HIbiscus Tea Hibiscus tea is a delightful tea made from hibiscus flowers. It is especially refreshing and relaxing at the same time. It can also help quell a sour stomach, or a sour mood! I like to brew it and drink it over ice in the summertime, but it’s great in a hot tea form as well.

Drinking tea is one of the best things you can do to relieve stress naturally, along with getting quiet time to yourself each day. Better yet, brew one of these types of tea for stress, lock yourself in a room with a good book or magazine, and take 30 minutes to yourself. You’ll be a much better person for it and stress will become a thing of the past! Do you enjoy one of these types of tea for stress?

Feedback Junction

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Good Earth beats all!!

These are all my favourite teas, i drink at least three of them each day but yet i'm still stressed - i even have headaches and stomach aches..

I'm going to buy tea now!

Can someone recommend any green tea brands?

@kanchan Stash tea sells terrific blends. Go to their website and browse their loose tea selection.

Above all others, kava tea is a wonderful and tasty stress reliever!

Green tazo is goid too

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