Women's health issues are something we should all be paying attention to. After all, you're in charge of your own health and taking care of yourself is something you should be doing on a daily basis. Understanding what you are up against is the first step in making sure you live a long and healthy life. That starts with educating yourself on the most prevalent women's health issues that we're facing these days. So, here they are, according to the World Health Organization.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Violence against Women
Unfortunately, this is one of the top women's health issues we face. The WHO reports that 1 in 3 women under the age of 50 has been a victim of physical or sexual violence. This affects mental wellbeing, both in the short term and the long term. Finding support is vital, so if you have been abused, seek help right away.
2. Reproduction
In today's day and age, unsafe sex is a top concern for the reproductive health of women under the age of 44. Getting services to underserved communities is one way to battle this problem and always practicing safe sex is another.
3. Mental Health
Mental health has a stigma that makes many women avoid seeking help. However, issues like depression and anxiety can lead to suicide, which the WHO says is the leading cause of death for women under age 60. Removing that stigma is an important way to urge women to seek the help they need.
4. Sexually Transmitted Infections
One of the biggest concerns with unsafe sex is the transmission of STDs. Untreated STDs can lead to stillbirth and other fetal complications and can also be deadly for a woman. More education and supplies for safe sex are important for helping stop the problem.
5. HIV
Another big issue facing women who engage in unsafe sex is the transmission of HIV. In fact, young women are one of the most affected populations when it comes to HIV. To prevent unnecessary deaths, educating young women is important and you can help by writing your legislative community or mentoring a young woman in your community.
6. Cancer
Sadly, cancer still doesn't have a cure and kills many women every year. Breast and cervical cancer are the top two types that we face today. More women die from cancer in middle and low-income countries, indicating that more research and materials are needed to help women battle cancer by teaching them to make healthy lifestyle choices.
7. Maternal Health
Many women want to become mothers at some point in their life. Improvements in maternal health care have helped, but there are still women who are at risk of dying during pregnancy and childbirth. Family planning and access to services are the right of all women, but many must go without.
8. Young Age
Young women face the risk of STDs and unplanned pregnancies and this is more prevalent in low-income areas. Young women who become pregnant or get an STD face some scary complications or could undergo an unsafe abortion, which can lead to infertility and death due to infection.
9. Aging
On the other hand, aging presents its own set of health challenges for women. Poverty in old age lends itself to dementia and abuse. Women who have been homemakers their whole lives also face a lack of adequate health care and social services.
10. Noncommunicable Diseases
This includes things like car accidents, complications from smoking, doing drugs and obesity. These problems are more prevalent in low-income areas and killed more than 4 million women in 2012, says the WHO. Helping women learn how to adopt healthy lifestyle choices is vital at all ages.
These issues can be battled and limited by getting involved in any way that you can. What advice do you have?