9 anti-inflammatory Foods That Will Help Heal and Prevent Disease in Your Body ...


9 anti-inflammatory Foods That Will Help Heal and Prevent Disease in Your Body ...
9 anti-inflammatory Foods That Will Help Heal and Prevent Disease in Your Body ...

Consuming anti-inflammatory foods regularly will help prevent diseases in your body. Why is that, you may ask? Well, when your body responds to some kind of infection or stimulant, it creates an inflammatory response. If this inflammation builds up, you can actually lose your ability to fight disease in your body! Inflammation in your body increases when you consume overly-processed, artificial, fake foods regularly. That’s why it’s important to consume healthy, anti-inflammatory foods that will increase your body’s ability to fight and prevent diseases.

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Pineapple Consuming a variety of anti-inflammatory foods will be most beneficial to you. However, if you are going to pick only one to eat, it should be pineapple. Pineapple is rich in the digestive enzyme bromelain. Not only does this enzyme help you digest food better, but it actually reduces inflammation and swelling too! It is recommended you eat half a pineapple every day to get rid of your swelling in a few days, if you are have an injury or such. However, if you are just looking for disease prevention, simply try to incorporate as much as you can. I will note that fresh pineapple will have the most effective and nutritious enzymes, so pick that over canned or dried if possible. You can add pineapple to smoothies, juice, and even pizza.



Papaya Being pineapple's twin cousin in the enzyme department, papaya also supplies many digestive enzymes. Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which has the same anti-inflammatory benefits as pineapple. Like pineapple, papaya boasts the same benefits in the same amounts. If you are wondering which one will be better to consume, you should go with the one you like and will actually eat. You could also alternate papaya and pineapple to see which one your body responds to better. Papaya goes great in smoothies and juices.



Garlic There are many sulfur compounds in garlic that give it powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. These benefits are tremendous, and even more potent if you consume it raw. Although raw garlic may give you bad breath, the tremendous health benefits are something to consider. However, consuming roasted garlic is still excellent for your health and reducing inflammation. You can add it to soup, stir-fries, pizza, pasta, and dressings.



Onions If you regularly consume foods with an abundance of antioxidants, it is proven you will reduce your inflammation. Specific antioxidants like flavonoids and quercetin are especially helpful. Onions happen to be rich in the antioxidant quercetin. This means onions are also good for reducing inflammation. You can get more onions in your diet by adding them to stir-fries, salads, soups, and sandwiches.


Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper contains many antioxidants beneficial in reducing inflammation. It is also composed mainly of capsaicin, a very potent and strong property that makes cayenne spicy. This powerful taste also correlates with how powerful this herb is in healing your body. Adding herbs of any kind to your diet will generally reduce inflammation in your body. Other good options include turmeric and ginger. Add cayenne to chili, stir-fries, hummus, or even chocolate dishes for an extra kick.

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Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato These orange-colored root vegetables are often underrated for reducing inflammation. However, sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, the antioxidant that gives them their orange pigment. As I’ve already discussed, antioxidants help reduce inflammation in our bodies. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber to further increase the disease prevention aspects. They are good in soups, chili, salads, and roasted.



Spinach Flavonoids are strong antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Spinach contains a large amount of these beneficial antioxidants, making it a good food to consume regularly. If you don’t prefer spinach, other dark leafy greens contain powerful antioxidants as well. Of course, you can use greens to make a fresh salad. You can also add them to smoothies or fresh juice, which you won’t even be able to taste!



Blueberries Blueberries contain a high amount of antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the body. Like spinach, blueberries contain flavonoids that heal your inflammation. That’s often why you will find blueberry in natural skincare products; it reduces puffiness from inflamed skin. However, consuming blueberries is the only way to reap the disease-prevention benefits. You can add them to smoothies, eat them with yogurt, or bake them in muffins.


Flax Seed

Flax Seed Consuming omega-3s is a proven way to reduce inflammation. Flax seeds happen to be very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and therefore are great at reducing inflammation. Other good sources of omega-3s include chia seeds, hemp seeds, and fish oil. You must grind flax seeds before use if you want their healthy oils to be released and for you to benefit from them. They make an excellent addition to smoothies, oatmeal, and baked goods.

Whether you want to heal a sports injury, reduce swelling, or just prevent disease in general, consuming a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods will be beneficial to you. You will be able to naturally get rid of ailments caused by excess inflammation, and live a healthy life. What foods do you find help heal your body?

Feedback Junction

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This was fantastic! I have a hard time remembering which anti-inflamms are the best. I didn't know about cayenne pepper. Thanks!

Very very interesting!!! I didn't know they cook onions like the way on the picture.


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