18 Facts about Sleep ...


18 Facts about Sleep ...
18 Facts about Sleep ...

Do you want to learn important facts about sleep? If so then look no further. I have put together 18 facts about sleep. These facts cover everything from the effects of poor sleep, different types of sleep disorders, things that cause insomnia, and ways to improve your sleep. Enjoy these facts about sleeping.

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1. Obesity and Diabetes

Studies show that those who don’t get enough sleep are more at risk of being obese and having diabetes. What’s that, sleep will make me skinny? Not exactly, but getting enough sleep is a good thing when you're trying to lose weight.

2. High Blood Pressure

Another fact about sleep is that those who are lacking sleep each night are at higher risk of high blood pressure. This makes sense, considering the first fact said that lack of sleep can cause obesity and diabetes. Those who are overweight or have blood sugar problems are more likely to have high blood pressure too.

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3. Night Sweats

Unfortunately, sometimes the lack of sleep isn’t our fault. It’s not always because we were out partying too late or checking out Facebook all night. There are many sleep disorders that mess with our sleep too, such as night sweats. Have you ever tried to sleep when you were hot and sweaty? It is nearly impossible. Night sweats are mostly caused by menopause, cancer, and infection.


Night sweats can be more than just an annoyance; they're a sign that something might not be quite right with our health. Hormonal changes are a common culprit for women, especially during the menopausal transition when the body's temperature regulation gets a bit wacky. But let's not overlook other potential causes like infections—tuberculosis or even the common cold can leave you waking up in a pool of sweat. And, though a less likely reason, certain cancers can also lead to night sweats. If you find your sheets soaked come morning without a clear cause, it might be time to check in with your doctor.

4. Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is another sleep disorder. It causes excessive sleepiness and often causes people to fall asleep without notice during the day. It is actually a nervous system disorder and the exact cause is unknown.

5. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Here is another fact about sleep disorders. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) is when a person involuntarily moves their limbs while sleeping. You may have PLMD if you feel excessively tired during the day, have trouble falling asleep at night, and have a hard time staying asleep.

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6. Kleine Levin Syndrome

Have you heard of Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS)? It is also known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. During KLS episodes, people become extremely drowsy and often sleep all day and night. When they are awake they act totally different. When awake they may be confused, lack emotion, and seem very disoriented. People have also reported having food cravings when awake. KLS episodes can last for several weeks.

7. Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is another sleep disorder we must cover in these facts about sleep. Many people have Sleep Apnea. It is a condition where sufferers stop breathing for nearly 30 seconds while sleeping. This can happen up to 400 times a night. Most people with Sleep Apnea snore loudly. People with untreated Sleep Apnea often wake up still feeling tired and at a loss of sleep. Fortunately it is treatable by going through a sleep study and being fitted for a breathing machine that keeps you from losing oxygen at night.

8. Insomnia

The most common of all sleep disorders is insomnia. If you are an insomniac then you know how horrible this sleep disorder is. Want to know some more facts about sleep related to insomnia? Insomnia is classified as having difficulty falling asleep, waking up throughout the night and struggling to fall back to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, and not feeling rested after waking.

9. Foods That Cause Insomnia

Here is a surprising fact about sleep. Some foods may be the culprit of your insomnia. Studies show that some of the things we consume are keeping us awake. Alcohol is one. While it may seem to relax you, it can prevent you from sleeping too. Spicy foods are another. They cause heartburn and indigestion that may keep you awake at night. Sugar is also known to hype people up and hinder sleepiness.


Caffeine is a notorious stimulant and lurks not just in coffee, but also in tea, soda, and chocolate. Consuming it too close to bedtime can keep your mind racing instead of snoozing. High-fat foods should also be on your radar. They are harder to digest, potentially leading to discomfort and restlessness. And those late-night snacks? They can kick your metabolism into gear, disrupt your blood sugar levels, and impede the body’s natural overnight fasting period. Listen to your body and consider a lighter, simpler fare in the evening to foster a good night’s rest.

10. Good Bedtime Foods

Opt for different foods at bedtime. Instead of a beer to relax you, try a warm caffeine-free herbal tea. Many people like chamomile to wind them down. It is also suggested you snack on popcorn or yogurt before bed instead of other heavy carbs.

11. Depression

Lack of sleep may lead to depression. Depression can also be the reason for your poor quality of sleep. In fact, depression and anxiety are said to be the causes of chronic insomnia. If you are feeling down and having major problems sleeping, you need to see a doctor to help you get back on the right track, feeling and sleeping better.

12. Stress

Stress in another major culprit in sleep problems. If you are suffering from stress, you need to find ways to relax and control your stress to help you sleep. Just like the last fact about sleep, chronic stress is also said to cause chronic insomnia. How do you manage your stress so you can sleep better?

13. Journal

If you are looking for ways to manage stress, worry, and anxiety so you can get a better night’s sleep, then please continue to read these excellent sleep facts. The next few facts about sleep are going to cover things you can do before bed to improve your sleep. First is journaling. Sometimes at night our minds are so cluttered with worry and thoughts from the day that we really just need to spend a few minutes getting those thoughts out. Journaling is a great way to put those thoughts to rest.

14. Read

Books are also known to relax you. Try reading a calming book before bed. I wouldn’t suggest reading something scary. Take your reading a little further and enjoy a good book in a warm bath to prepare for bed.

15. Naps

Many people enjoy naps as part of their sleep routine. It’s a well-known fact about sleep that naps can give you more energy and increase alertness during the day. Naps can help you improve productivity as well.

16. Exercise

We all know exercise is important to our health. But did you know that exercise is also important to your sleep? You want to work out earlier in the day so your body can use those endorphins up before trying to sleep. Working out right before bedtime will keep you from sleeping well.

17. Improved Productivity

A good night’s sleep does wonders for your productivity. I know I can focus much better when I have slept well. Trying to work on little sleep is difficult. I spend more time trying to keep myself awake than I do actually working.

18. Less Accidents

Of course getting the right amount of sleep can actually reduce accidents. This includes on the job accidents and car accidents. Being drowsy slows your reaction time and being tired affects alertness. Having a good night's sleep makes you more alert and less likely to have an accident.

What do you think about all these facts about sleep? Did you find them helpful? Do you sleep well at night, or are you one of the many people who suffer from insomnia? Now that you know all facts about sleep and how it improves your life, let me know what you going to do to get more sleep?

Top Image Source: polyvore.com

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My mom has sleep apnea. She has a machine she has to hook up at night, reading that was freaky! I was looking for something calm to read, because I need to sleep, this did not help.. Lol!

Sleep apnea has a 4 times higher risk of death if not treated. It is more important than just making you sleepy all day!!!

I sleep alot all the time i need to reduce it but how ?

This scared the crap out of me! So from this day on, no more reading!

I have GAD, Chronic Stress and Chronic Insomnia. Definitely difficult to deal with everyday but you get used to it and learn to deal


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