9 Healthy Fun Ways to Relax ...

Heather Oct 2, 2011

9 Healthy  Fun Ways to Relax ...
9 Healthy  Fun Ways to Relax ...

Ways to Relax are important. If you don't relax, you can let the tension and stress eat you up inside and can actually be extremely unhealthy. I know that it takes me a lot to relax, but using the ways to relax below, it is a lot easier for me to just chill out! So it's time to turn your brain off and read off the top 9 healthy ways to relax and calm your body down!

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Are you a morning person or a night owl?

1. Use Aromatherapy

The sense of smell is actually one the best senses to use when you are looking for ways to relax. Lavender, lilac and even the scent of vanilla and jasmine all have calming effects and can instantly help your body calm down and your brain to shut up. I know that when I sit in a room and it is filled with lavender scent, I instantly feel more relaxed than before.

2. Meditate

I've always had a hard time turning my brain off. I think about everything from what I am going to wear tomorrow to money problems. It's hard to relax when you have so much on your mind, but that is why meditating is so important. Taking time out each and every day to sit somewhere and meditate is a great way to turn your brain off and truly relax.

3. Yoga

If you feel like you need to be moving in order to relax, yoga is a great exercise. Yoga teaches you to concentrate on breathing and truly allows you to relax through movement. This is one of the fun and healthy ways to relax that I use all of the time!

4. Use Comedy

Laughter is the best form of relaxation. Not only does it trigger your brain, but it does make your body relax too. Go to a comedy club, rent a funny movie or have a conversation with your BFF and bring up something funny – you'll have fun and laugh your way to relaxation!

5. Bubble Bath

I have an unhealthy obsession with baths – I love them. I love the idea of just slipping into a bath after a hard day at work and relaxing. Typically – I fall asleep in my bathtub (because it's a claw foot tub and it's huge!) but did you know it's also a great way to unwind? So throw in some bubbles, slip into the hot water and grab a good book!

6. Read

Think about it: clearing your mind and just focusing on the storyline of a really good book? It's one of the best ways to relax! I love curling up in bed, no TV just me and my book, it's a great way to let my mind be somewhere else and for me to really lose myself in the characters. Right now – Harry Potter has all of my attention, what books are you guys reading?

7. Drink Green Tea

Green tea has a ton of different benefits, but did you know that if you drink hot or cold green tea, it could actually help you to relax? The reason for this is because it is packed with all sorts of different relaxation properties inside of it. So just grab your tea bag, some hot water and curl up on the couch – instantly, you'll feel relaxed!

8. Create a Relaxation Room

My idea of a relaxation room is a room that is painted up in calming blues, has fabric draped from the ceiling and is filled with huge comfy chairs and tons of pillows. Even though I can't necessarily create my own relaxation room to that extent, I it's still a great idea to just create a space for you to relax in. For me, right now, I have a big pink round chair with an awesome ottoman – that's where I go when I want to relax.

9. Make a CD

Next to aromatherapy, music can actually help change your mood from stressed to calm in just a matter of minutes. Creating a CD or changing out the music on your MP3 player is a great way to jam out to tunes you might not have heard in a while! Placebo is the band that makes me relaxed, what about you?

Ladies, I know that we have a ton on our plate constantly, but you have to find small ways to relax that can work flawlessly into your lifestyle. Relaxing is important, especially if you are in a high-stress job. I know that these tips and tricks for ways to relax work, so give some of them a try! How do you ladies relax and unwind after a hard day at the office or of chasing around kids?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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