Have you ever had a string of debilitating migraines? Almost everyone whose battled these horrid headaches will know that there is a whole range of medications that can be tried – but did you know that there is a variety of natural migraine treatments that have amazing results, too?! I’ve been testing a few to see if they compare to more modern medicines, and these are the ones I’d recommend trying…
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1. Acupuncture
I am the biggest wimp going, especially when it comes to needles – I’ve even been known to run away out of the hospital before a blood test! It took a lot of persuading for me to even consider acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medication that uses small, thin needles to restore the flow of energy throughout the body. A review of over 22 studies in 2009 found that regular acupuncture is at least as effective as, and usually better than, traditional medications. The frequency of treatments you need does vary, but it’s definitely worth trying a course of natural migraine treatments, even if you are needle phobic.
2. Biofeedback
This sounds like it should be part of a game, but it’s actually a piece of equipment regularly used for pregnant migraine sufferers. It works by monitoring the body for physical tension, in order to detect pain, reduce severity and prevent migraines. It does take some getting used too, but reduces migraines to a much more manageable level, and the more you use it the more effective it gets. It’s well worth exploring.
3. Magnesium
Do you take a magnesium supplement? If you don’t, book yourself in for a blood test to confirm your levels. Several studies have shown that migraine sufferers have much lower levels of this mineral than non-sufferers, and a number of treatments involving supplements are being formulated. Simple taking 400 to 600 milligrams of magnesium a day can be enough to stave off attacks, and magnesium injections are available at most doctor's surgeries to stop attacks if they do strike.
4. Butterbur
Butterbur is a herb that comes from Europe, Asia and North Africa. It’s an anti-inflammatory that is thought to soothe the swelling that occurs during a migraine, making an attack much more manageable. The problem? While studies show that it greatly reduces the number of migraines a sufferer gets, it doesn’t do much to reduce an attack while the migraine is ongoing. Invest in a PA-free butterbur supplement and take it twice a day for a year. You’ll definitely be rewarded for the commitment!
5. Ginger
Ginger is known for it’s nausea-fighting qualities, and appears in every form from ginger beer to ginger biscuits. It’s not just a lifesaver for people feeling sick, though – it’s also claimed that ginger can prevent migraines, although proven research is hard to come by. The more recent study used a blend of ginger and feverfew and monitored patients, with 63% saying that their migraines disappeared or were reduced to a normal headache.
6. Riboflavin
Also known as Vitamin B2, this is a vitamin that can easily be left out of the diet – but a lack of vitamin B is a major cause of migraine. Scientists believe that when the energy output from the back of the brain decreases, a migraine is triggered. Vitamin B prevents the energy from decreasing by nourishing cells and helping cells to maintain a healthy output level. Adding 400 milligrams of riboflavin to your diet each day will make a big impact.
7. Coenzyme Q10
This one can be a bit of a mouthful! Coenzyme Q10 is also known as CoQ10, and is usually used to boost cardiovascular health. A recent study has shown that it also has a significant effect on migraines. It’s thought to calm down the overstimulated neurotransmitters, and normalize the blood vessels that dilate, soothing the pain and reducing the frequency of migraines. The only drawback is cost – it’s around $24 for a two-month supply.
These natural migraine treatments can be utterly life changing! A lot can be added to your diet for only a small cost, and an all-round supplement will ensure that you don’t lack magnesium, vitamin B2 or vitamin D. As for the rest? Well, as scientists work on finding the best cures, there is sure to be some natural ingredients that provide great relief. Give these a try, and see if they work for you. And don’t forget to share your migraine tips, too!
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