7 Ways to Use Coconut Butter ...


7 Ways to Use Coconut Butter ...
7 Ways to Use Coconut Butter ...

It is no wonder that we are all looking for more ways to use coconut butter since its benefits far outweigh the downfalls. Coconut butter has been found to increase energy levels, fight free radicals, help with weight loss, boost our immunity, and give extra luster to hair and skin. Here are a few ways to use coconut butter that take full advantage of all the benefits it offers.

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Sweets Cravings

One of the greatest ways to use coconut butter is to help crave sweets. Coconut butter is naturally sweet but does not have all the artificial sweeteners, calories, or high fructose corn syrup that most yummy goodies include. Next time you are craving that delicious cookie or donut, go for a spoonful of coconut butter instead. This is a sweet that comes guilt free.


Butter Substitute

Coconut butter is a medium chain fatty acid. Unlike most fatty acids, it acts more like a carbohydrate than a fat. This is great for us since our bodies are more likely to burn it off like carbs, but it will not start insulin production like carbohydrates. You can use coconut butter in most places as a butter substitute. Try it over cooked veggies or with fish for a yummy and healthy dish!



The antioxidants and high amounts of lauric acid found in coconut butter are great for fighting off free radicals. Try using coconut butter as a post-shower lotion for natural sun protection and defense from free radicals like pollutants. The natural coconut goodness will keep your skin luminous throughout the day and give you a delicious tropical scent. Yummy!


Weight Loss Component

When our bodies digest coconut butter it starts something called thermogenesis. Thermogenesis helps metabolize food through heat and can increase our calorie burn. Next time you are on a weight loss goal, try eating a little bit of coconut butter before or with your meal. Just remember to keep the amount low; when it comes to fats, a little can go a long way.


Repair Damaged, Dry Hair

Winter is notorious for giving our hair’s health a run for its money. Use coconut butter to help bring back that luster and shine and repair damaged areas. Microwave a tablespoon of coconut butter for 30 seconds to 1 minute to get a liquid consistency, then massage into hair. Luster achieved.

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Boost Energy

Our bodies are able to get more energy from coconut butter than most foods, this is due to the metabolic process used to break it down. Most people have, actually, found they have more energy after eating coconut butter than they did before. Give your mid-day that extra boost by adding some coconut butter and aloe to your snacks. This will increase energy the good old fashioned, natural way.


Cooking Sweets

Coconut butter has a naturally sweet taste but is much healthier than other butters or butter substitutes. There are some great recipes out there that use coconut butter when baking! One of my favorites is a vegan fudge that uses coconut butter, maple extract, and bananas as the main ingredient. That is some splurging done right!

There are so many fantastic ways to use coconut butter. It is a great vegan alternative when baking and can do wonders for our complexions! What are some of your go to ways to use this super food?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Health food stores are the best place to get coconut butter. Some even come flavored!!

Where can I buy coconut butter? I've never seen it in my grocery store? Would it be in a natural health food store? Thank you..

Don't you mean coconut oil not coconut butter?

What's the name of the vegan fudge recipe ?! Sounds so good!

My friend loves using coconut butter, but I avoided it because my daughter said it was not good for you... Good news! Thanks for the information!

@jenni sounds delish! I'm definitely going to look for that recipe

Is coconut oil and coconut butter the same thing?

@Mandi coconut butter is actually healthier because of the carbon to carbon bonds

Amy, they are not the same. I didn't no the butter is edible. I will have to check it out at the store to see if they have that in the food area, I've only seen it in skin care area

@Ariel I found the vegan fudge recipe on an app called snapguide. It is called maple banana fudge. Fudge minus the guilt is the best thing ever

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