Really Easy Tricks to Reduce Eye Strain when Using Your Phone ...


You undoubtedly spend hours every day glued to your phone screen and you’ve probably never given a second thought to what it can be doing to the health of your vision and eyes. You might notice tired eyes occasionally, but there are other things to think about like eye strain and the constant flashing images (if you play games). With some simple tricks you can reduce eye strain and still enjoy your phone.

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Reduce Brightness

One of the easiest ways to reduce eye strain when on your phone is to reduce the brightness of your screen in your settings. Unless you are outside in some serious sunlight, there is absolutely no reason why your screen needs to be at its full brightness. I permanently have mine operating at about 25 percent and it’s absolutely perfect for my eyes. Not to mention, having reduced brightness on your screen also saves a hell of a lot of battery life over the course of a day!


Bigger Font

Head in to your settings and make the decision to enlarge the font of any text that comes up on your phone screen. The bigger the text is, the less work your eyes are going to have to do on a regular basis, and this can be extremely helpful for somebody who does a lot of email or texting work as a regular part of their daily job.


Display Zoom

If you, like millions of others around the world, have an iPhone, then you will be able to perform this neat little trick called display zoom. Display zoom allows you to enhance the size of your home screen so that you can see all of your app tiles more clearly, and though it might not seem like a big deal, considering the amount of time you look at these every single day, just having that tiny bit more zoom could help rest your eyes more.


Invert Colors

On most smartphones these days you are able to perform a command that lets you invert the colors. It might take a bit of getting used to as every image looks kind of like a weird x-ray, but these solidly black, grey and white pictures ask much less of your eyes to look at. Inverting colors might be a good idea for people who like to get in to bed at night and spend a lot of time browsing their phones in the dark.


Night Shift

A dedicated feature from Apple for their iPhones, Night Shift is a mode that you can put your phone in which reduces the amount of blue light that is emitted from your phone. Studies believe that it is this blue light that drains our eyes the most and leads to things like insomnia. Pop on Night Shift if you are surfing your phone in bed and reduce both your eye strain and your risk of not being able to sleep.

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Increase Contrast

Another thing you can do is go in to your settings and increase the contrast of your phone’s display. To put it simply, bolder colors equal better visibility, so the stronger you make the contrast, the easier it will be in theory for your eyes to pick up the images.


Take Breaks

You should treat your cell phone just like you treat a bigger computer and take mini breaks every now and then to let your eyes relax and have a rest from the electronic lights. Even just ten minutes looking out the window every hour can help your eyes to regain some composure and feel better.

Remember ladies – you only have one pair of eyes and you need to look after them and give them more consideration that you’re probably used to.

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Im using iphn. These tricks is really helpful. Thanks for posting ;)

Good post, I have an iPhone and didn't know about the night time thing, thanks!

This is absolutely what I need!

Thanks my eyes really get strained. Thanks

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