7 Reasons to Stay Strong when You Want to Commit Suicide ...


When you want to commit suicide, it’s hard to think straight. Suicide seems like the only option out there, but I promise you, it’s not. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. There are so many reasons to stay strong when you want to commit suicide and here are a few.

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One Year

So much can change in a year. I’ve struggled with mental health concerns for the majority of my life and I didn’t realize how true this statement is. When you want to commit suicide just give it a year, and you will see the difference. I’m not saying that life will be the best in 365 days, what I’m saying is that you will have a year of laughter and tears, struggles and triumphs to inspire you. A year of seasons changing and the joys that each one brings.


We Need You

We are all connected, no matter how you look at it. We need you here. If there is one thing I have learned about the inexplicable role of your soul and personality, it is that this world would be less without you in it. My world would be less without you in it. We need your awkward, corny jokes. We need your smile. It lights up other people’s worlds like you don’t know.


Other Options

Suicide is not the only option, as your thoughts may have you believe. You can talk to someone. There are resources from online support to phone support at 1-800-273-TALK to loved ones who want the best for you. Counseling is an option. Medication may be an option. Not acting on your thoughts is an option. I promise you that suicide is not the only option.


It Will Get Better

In time, it will get better. And I know it’s rough because you want things to be better now but just as it took you time to wind up at rock bottom, it’ll take time to get better. But there will be days along the road when you actually smile, not that forced one you’ve been hiding behind. And that moment is so freeing. The relief of beating your suicidal thoughts is incredibly more powerful than ending your life.


Eliminates Hope

Suicide doesn’t end the pain, it eliminates the possibility of things getting better. It’s a permanent action that affects not only you but also those who love you and care for you. Emily Dickinson writes that you can never lose hope. It’s always there burning brightly. Sometimes we can’t see it, so it’s moments like those that we need to ask for help in finding hope. Because it’s out there, I know it is.

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Surrendering to Life

What if you were able to surrender to life, not give up your life? You only live once. You will spend forever being dead. So take your time to dance in the rain, stay up late with friends, listen to music incredibly loud, travel, do what you want to do on a holiday, not what you feel obligated to. Eat Chinese food and try some Thai. Go somewhere you’ve never been before, even if it’s only half an hour away. Go for a walk with friends during the first snow fall of the year or sit outside and watch the leaves fall. There is so much to look forward to. Please stay strong.


Your Pulse is Worth More

Your pulse is worth more. I promise you that. Think how amazing it is that you are alive and breathing. That your heart is working to keep you alive like it does for others. Bring someone to mind that you care about and realize that you two both have a pulse, a breath, a life that is all your own. It’s inspiring.

Please stay strong. If you are suicidal, ask for help. Suicide is not the only option to ending your pain, and finding peace is; choosing life is too. What are some other reasons to stay strong when you want to commit suicide? Does anyone have any messages of hope to offer?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

its very hard to pull out if the thought of suicide . but so easy to be put in that state of mind . i call " my window pain

This article changed my mind. I put the pills back on the shelf. One more year. Thank you.

You are beautiful the world needs you

It is one of the hardest things to do...getting out of the mindset of suicide. I believe and know from experience, one suicide thought ALWAYS becomes more than one. Once you get into that pattern you cannot necessarily stop yourself from thinking about suicide, but you can, over time and with help, lessen the intensity of the feeling of wanting to take your life. I do agree that it took a long time to get into the state of mind that you are in when you have these thoughts so it will take just as equal if not more time to lessen the intensity of the feelings, if not banish them all together. What is helping me currently is realizing that my method of suicide (taking pills) makes me feel worse, is going to make me, if it has not already, develop an addition problem in addition to the one I have. I also try to convince myself that "this too shall pass." I know it is HARD. Getting out of the mindset you are in which leads to have suicidal thoughts in the first place is a challenge. A DAILY challenge. But we got to try to keep going as best as we can and really and truly focus on our selves and our well being.

I committed suicide and the most painful part is waking up still alive and see your love ones crying .. Once you did it once it will still keep coming back to your mind .. All i did is Pray .. Pray .. Pray and talk to someones else trusted ..

Thank you. with will help a lots of families

Thank you so much, this has helped me in so many ways.

I think that it is extremely difficult to see the big picture when you are focusing on one problem. I have a best friend who constantly reminds me of the big picture. I'm in nursing school and while I've done well in other classes pharmacology is killing me! I'm taking it for the second time. I'm 30 and this is my second degree and I constantly ask why I'm putting myself through all this stress. My Dad reminded me tonight to look at the big picture. He said "you can't give up because of one class. What if the rest are cake but you'll never know because you gave up too soon?" I look at life that way, what will you miss if you give up too soon? You may feel as though no one loves you and you're alone but there is at least one person on this Earth who cares about you. That person may have only you for strength to lean on when things get bad for them. Would you want to leave them alone in this scary world? My best advise is to get help, don't be embarrassed by what our culture thinks. Overcome the stigma and don't become another statistic.

Thank you😭❤️ This helped me so much. I also have a thing I think about when I feel like committing. I know one day I will have a family. Someone will look at me like im the best thing in the world. It helps me think that there is something worth fighting for💕

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