7 Reasons Why Viruses Are Good and Why You Should Thank Them ...


We all dread them and try to keep away from them as much as possible, but did you know there are plenty of reasons why viruses are good and why we should actually thank them? There is an upside to sharing the planet with these merciless little killing machines that shouldn’t be ignored. Here are just 7 reasons why viruses are good that will surely make you see them in a much more favorable light.

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1. Viruses Help Evolution

One of the first reasons why viruses are good is that they allow the natural transfer of genes between different species, thus increasing genetic diversity and encouraging evolution. Actually, scientists think that they played an essential role in early evolution, way before the diversification of bacteria. The cell nucleus, evolution’s greatest breakthrough, is believed to have come from a virus.


Viruses have been found to play a crucial role in the development of life on Earth. They have been around for billions of years and have contributed to the evolution of all living organisms. In fact, some scientists believe that viruses were the first forms of life on Earth, and their ability to transfer genetic material between different species has allowed for the diversification of life. Additionally, viruses have also been found to help regulate the population of certain species, preventing overpopulation and maintaining balance in ecosystems. While viruses can cause harm, their role in evolution and maintaining the natural balance of life on Earth makes them an important aspect of our world.

2. Viruses Help in Research

Because they are such simple systems, viruses are of great help in cellular and molecular biology studies, as they can be used to investigate and manipulate the functions of cells. What’s more, they are used extensively in genetics studies, to better understand genes in general and DNA replication, RNA formation and much more (a whole bunch of confusing terms).



Viruses have been instrumental in advancing research in the field of cellular and molecular biology. Due to their simple structure, they are often used to study and manipulate cell functions. In genetics studies, viruses are also utilized to gain a better understanding of genes, DNA replication, and RNA formation. They have played a crucial role in the development of gene therapy, where viruses are used as vectors to deliver therapeutic genes into cells. Additionally, viruses have been used as tools in the study of infectious diseases and the development of vaccines. Their ability to infect and replicate within cells has provided valuable insights into how viruses interact with the human body.

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3. They Can Kill Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

It has been known for a century that viruses can be useful in killing bacteria. For example, in 1917, Felix D’Herelle, a Canadian microbiologist, managed to cure some dysentery patients overnight using a solution that contained bacterium-killing viruses. In the age of antibiotics, this beneficial side of viruses was basically forgotten. Now, what with the sneaky little bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, we’re coming back to the good ol’ viruses asking for help. Unfortunately, it is not yet known if bacteria can develop resistance to them as well.


Viruses are microscopic infectious agents that have been around for billions of years. While they are often associated with causing diseases, recent research has shown that viruses can also have beneficial effects on our health. In addition to killing antibiotic-resistant bacteria, viruses have been found to play a role in regulating our immune system and protecting us from other harmful viruses. They have also been used in gene therapy to treat genetic disorders. Furthermore, viruses are essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and have been found to have the ability to modulate the behavior of other organisms. Overall, viruses play a crucial role in our world and their importance should not be overlooked.

4. They Maintain a Proper Balance in Aquatic Ecosystems

Did you know a teaspoon of seawater contains around 1 million viruses? Have fun swimming this summer! Well, don’t worry too much really, as most of them are harmless to us. However, they’re not so kind on the bacteria hovering around. Plus, they destroy harmful algal accumulations, which very often kill other marine life.


Viruses in aquatic ecosystems play a crucial role in maintaining a proper balance and preventing harmful algal blooms. They act as natural regulators by infecting and controlling the growth of algae, which can quickly multiply and suffocate other marine life. Additionally, viruses help to recycle nutrients in the ocean by breaking down organic matter and releasing it back into the water, providing essential nourishment for other organisms. They also serve as indicators of water quality, as their presence or absence can indicate the health of an ecosystem. So next time you take a dip in the ocean, remember to thank the viruses for keeping the aquatic ecosystem in check.

5. Viruses Can Treat Genetic Diseases

Scientists hope that they can use viruses to treat a large number of genetic diseases. And we’re not very far from reaching this goal. Though early clinical failures have led many to dismiss gene therapy, the successes since 2006 have given birth to new optimism. Actually, in 2012, the first gene therapy treatment was approved for clinical use. So we’re getting there, slowly but steadily!


Viruses have been found to be effective in treating genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, and muscular dystrophy. This is because viruses can be engineered to carry and deliver healthy copies of genes to replace the faulty ones in the patient's cells. This approach has shown promising results in clinical trials and has the potential to provide a cure for these inherited diseases. Additionally, viruses have also been utilized in cancer treatment, where they are used to target and destroy cancer cells. These advancements in virus-based therapies have opened up new possibilities in the field of medicine and offer hope for patients with previously untreatable conditions.

6. They Can Help with Pest Control

These dreaded little parasites can also be very useful in controlling damaging pests. They are generally employed to infect the targeted pest species and are known to lead to long-lasting effects. Most importantly, they’re known to be far less toxic than the usual pesticides we use. So, say «thank you» to viruses and "good bye" to those terrible little insects ruining your garden!



Viruses are not just harmful agents that cause diseases, they also have positive effects on our health and environment. In addition to their role in pest control, viruses are also used in biotechnology to produce vaccines and medicines. They are also crucial in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling the population of certain species. Furthermore, viruses play a crucial role in genetic research and have been instrumental in developing gene therapy treatments. So, next time you hear about viruses, remember that they are not all bad and have many benefits that we should be grateful for.

7. Viruses May Be Able to Treat Cancer

As you’ve most probably already heard, there have been several trials using viruses as a booster for cancer treatment. Even though there’s still a long way to go, the results are promising, some patients even experiencing complete remission. If this little hope were the only reason why viruses are good, I’d still thank them countless times.

Viruses are, as you can see, not all about driving us crazy and making our lives hell. They have been helping us in more than one way and have immense potential. Have you heard of other interesting reasons why viruses are good?

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Yes but the good outweighs the bad. The possibility of a super-virus like Ebola creating a world pandemic is too high. Also who likes the flu? No one

The good does, indeed, outweigh the bad. At least in what viruses are concerned. As to the likes of Ebola creating a world pandemic, it's more in the domain of science fiction and disaster movies than it is possible to actually happen in real life. We are, after all, a remarkably resilient species.

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