9 Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia ...

Lauren Mar 26, 2014

Because there are so many different symptoms of fibromyalgia and because they are quite general symptoms that could have any number of causes, it can be difficult to get a diagnosis. Some people don’t even “believe in” fibromyalgia. It can occur on its own or can be triggered by other conditions such as ME and hypermobility syndromes, but here are some of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia.

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1. Widespread Pain

The most common of all the symptoms of fibromyalgia is widespread pain. This is often felt throughout the entire body, although it may be worse in a particular area, such as the neck or the back. It can be aching, stabbing or burning pain.

2. Fatigue

People with fibromyalgia usually suffer from a level of tiredness that can’t otherwise be explained. Someone with fibromyalgia may feel sleepy regardless of getting enough sleep. They may need regular naps and suffer fatigue in particular, or all, muscles. It can be so severe that sufferers require a carer to help them complete simple everyday tasks such as getting dressed and washing.

3. Sensitivity

The body can be oversensitive to touch, and even a light touch on tender points can cause pain. Fibromyalgia sufferers are often aware of this when they need to scratch an itch but can’t because it hurts to touch.

4. Stiffness

Another common symptom of fibromyalgia is stiffness. This may be first thing in the morning, or become a problem if you’ve been stood or sat in the same position for a long time, so sufferers may fidget a great deal and need to get up and move around frequently.

5. Headaches

Headaches are more common in people whose fibromyalgia severely affects their neck and shoulders. Headaches can be anything from a mild inconvenience to a severe migraine that causes nausea and vomiting.

6. Lack of Quality Sleep

This fibromyalgia symptom is very inconvenient, given that fibromyalgia sufferers generally need more sleep than most people anyway. The condition can prevent quality restorative sleep so you don’t feel rested after 8 hours sleep, or prevent you falling asleep, perhaps through pain or through restless leg syndrome, which is more common in fibromyalgia sufferers.

7. “Fibro-fog”

“Fibro-fog” refers to the cognitive problems caused by the condition, and it’s something that non-sufferers would struggle to really comprehend. It’s a sensation of just not being able to think straight at all, or feeling like your brain is working really slowly. It can affect memory and ability to learn, concentration and even your speech.

8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not uncommon but it’s much more likely to occur in people with fibromyalgia. Symptoms of IBS include pain and bloating, diarrhoea and constipation.

9. Dizziness and Clumsiness

Feeling dizzy is a symptom of fibromyalgia that many sufferers deal with at least some of the time. It can be severe enough to make the room spin around and some people may faint occasionally. It’s tied into the clumsiness that can be seen in many people with fibromyalgia. Often sufferers just seem less coordinated than other people.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that isn’t very well understood, so more research is needed so that sufferers can access better treatment. Hopefully these symptoms of fibromyalgia will help someone to recognise the condition in themself or someone else. Do you suffer from fibromyalgia or know anybody that does?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Wow! I am surprised and appreciative that there are some who agree with my thoughts. I'm in healthcare and have had MANY patients who said they have fibro but have a medical history a mile long! A coworker was diagnosed with fibro and refused the diagnosis, got a 2nd opinion, had extensive testing and they found she has Lyme Disease. I believe many people except the diagnosis just so they can run and get disability and sit on their ass instead of working for a living. Yes, the healthcare profession has scorned me but also opened my eyes to a lot of good and bad tnings

I'm not sure but I have a lot of these symptoms. Not too severe. I just wonder if it's the start of fibromyalgia. ?

Both my husband and I suffer from all of these symptoms. We also both have a number of other medical conditions. This is a great list. I'm definitely going to fave it so I have it next time we speak to our doctors.

Where did you get this info? Are you an MD? RPh?

I apologize for the journsl aimed @Vickie. She just "got my goat", I guess!

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