7 Tips to Stay Motivated to Be Healthy ...


7 Tips to Stay Motivated to Be Healthy ...
7 Tips to Stay Motivated to Be Healthy ...

Everyone can use a few tips to stay motivated to be healthy. Usually when we start a new health kick or make a commitment to working out and eating right, we feel good and stay on track for a while. But, eventually, life happens and the idea of clean eating and getting sweaty at the gym loses its appeal. Don’t worry, you are not the only one that struggles to stay motivated when trying to improve your health. Check out these 7 tips to stay motivated to be healthy and refer back to them when you feel you are slipping off track.

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1. Feeling Good

You have to admit that feeling after a good workout feels amazing, doesn’t it? I know for me, it makes me want to do it all again. I feel accomplished, proud, and strong. Unfortunately, that feeling is easily forgotten the next morning when my muscles ache and excuses set in. I always have to think back to that post-workout high to get back in the gym. Keep reading for more tips to stay motivated to be healthy.

2. Looking Good

We all know being healthy gets you going down the road to feeling better and looking better. If you feel like a slob, you are probably going to act like a slob and look like one too. Is that really how you want to be seen? Looking good may be vain, but it’s a great motivator.

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3. Better Confidence

If you feel good and you look good, you have no reason to not feel confident. Not just confident in your appearance but also in your strength and endurance. You should feel confident to tackle life outside the gym, such as work or school. When I stop caring about my health I lose that confidence in myself to do other things and it becomes easier to talk down to myself. Do you feel this way too?

4. More Alert

Being healthy means eating right, staying active, and sleeping well. When I let any of those things fall, I notice a huge difference in my head. I get headaches more often, I can’t focus while working, and honestly I just want to sleep. Knowing I can stay focused and do better at my job encourages me to stay healthy.

5. Think of Your Future

What are your plans for the future? Do you want kids? Do you want grandkids? If you do, I bet you also would like to see those babies grow up. Stay healthy for your family so you can enjoy them for years and years to come. Healthy people are also said to make more money and have more success at school and in the workforce. Based on your current health, how successful do you think you will be in the future?

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6. Set an Example

If you are a parent or have younger children that look up to you, it is your job to set an example of good health. Childhood obesity is a scary epidemic we are facing right now. If you don’t want to see your child or younger sister suffer with being unhealthy and having weight issues, you have to lead by example.

7. Accomplish Your Dreams

What are your goals? Do you dream of backpacking through Europe? Maybe you want to climb a mountain or ski down one. Whatever your dreams are, I hope they are big and you get to accomplish them all. Because you have these amazing dreams you have to stay healthy. You can’t let poor health get in the way of big dreams.

I hope these tips to stay motivated to be healthy have made an impact on you. Remember to think back to these tips when you want to give up or don’t feel like doing the right thing. They will offer you encouragement and give you the strength to push forward. Got any of your own reasons to stay motivated? I’d love to hear them.

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