Do you have SAD and want to know more about how to deal with seasonal affective disorder? Feeling down, lacking energy, having difficulty concentrating and feeling anxious during a certain time of the year are all part of this type of depression. Millions of people around the world are living with this condition, with many of them being women in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. If you have seasonal affective disorder in the colder months and want some tips on different ways to deal with it, keep reading!
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Snapshot Survey
1. Eat
While learning how to deal with affective disorder, don’t forget about the foods you eat! A common symptom of SAD is having a craving for carbs and there are some foods that can help with these intense cravings! When you feel those cravings coming on, try drinking some bouillon soup or a broth to fill you up or try some cooked cereal which helps raise serotonin levels.
2. Drink
Another way to deal with seasonal affective disorder and combat carb cravings is to drink herbal tea. You might think a big fat coffee or energy drink is the best way to put some pep in your step, but caffeine can cause anxiety and digestive issues. Why not go with something more soothing and beneficial like tea? If you love the taste of coffee, try Yerba Mate or Teecino which are natural and tasty alternatives to coffee minus the bad stuff!
3. Get out
If you want to know how to deal with seasonal affective disorder, get outside and surround yourself with natural light. I know this is obvious, but some people don't go out if it’s cloudy. The natural light and fresh air can do you good and even help you feel better, so be sure to get out even on a cloudy day! If you live in an area without a lot of natural sunlight, do the next best thing and invest in a light box with full spectrum lighting.
4. Move
Move your booty as a way to deal with seasonal affective disorder! Exercising regularly is a great way to relieve stress, improve your mood and get energized. You don’t have to invest in expensive equipment or gym clothes either, you can take walks, jog or play sports with friends and family. Exercising is extremely beneficial to your overall physical and mental health so definitely make time for it!
5. Plan
Plan ahead and maintain a regular schedule when you’re dealing with seasonal affective disorder. Having a routine can make life much easier by keeping your circadian rhythm in sync. Try your best to go to sleep and wake up at the same times every day (yes, even the weekends) so your body has a set routine. Having a regular sleep schedule is touted to improve memory and feeling more awake during the day!
6. Supplement
When you’re dealing with seasonal affective disorder, you might want to consider taking some supplements. Certain supplements like B vitamins, L-Tryptophan or St. John’s Wart have been found to be helpful in those with SAD. But before you go out and stock up, have a discussion with your doctor to make sure it’s okay for you to take. If you want to eat your fill of these supplements, eat foods like meats and dairy.
7. Don’t Self-medicate
Learning about how to deal with seasonal affective disorder can be frustrating since there is no magic pill to feel better, but please avoid self-medicating. Self-medicating with alcohol, drugs or food can actually make symptoms worse and even if you do feel a little better, it’s very temporary. Incorporate some of these natural remedies for SAD and seek support from others for relief.
Learning how to deal with seasonal affective disorder with these remedies can help you play an active role in helping yourself feel better! Seasonal affective disorder can seriously mess with your quality of life so don’t go at it alone, make sure you see your doctor! Do you know of any helpful ways to deal with seasonal affective disorder?