7 Ways to Beat the Cold All Winter Long ...


Those long winter days call for some creative ways to beat the cold. Sitting inside and watching TV gets old fast and there are only so many books to keep you entertained. Why not get a little creative and maybe go outside of your comfort box? Here are some great ways to beat the cold and keep you busy!

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Working out

One of the best ways to beat the cold is to sweat! Why not try joining a team or your local gym? This is a great way to get out and work on you. The winter can really bring us down and make us feel simply down on ourselves. Go buy yourself some sexy workout clothes and get out there!


Join a Class

Have you ever wanted to learn how to bake? What about knitting? Why not go join a class where you can meet others and explore your creative side? There are plenty of classes to join at your local crafts store and even sometimes bakeries.


Act on Your Resolutions

Remember that time a month or so ago when we (some of us!) made New Year's resolutions? Well this is your time to do them! Whatever it may be, the winter is a great time to get up and do it. Make a to do list of ways that you can reach your New Year's resolution goal and stick it somewhere you will see it everyday. Then, don’t give up!


Embrace the Season

I know, we may not like the winter but whether or not you enjoy the snow and cold, it’s here to stay... so why not embrace it? There are plenty of winter activities and sports that can fill your weekends with fun. Grab one of your friends and join in on learning something new together. That can be snowboarding, skiing or horseshoeing. Just get out there and start to love the snow.


Make One Night a Week about You

Yes. Take one night a week where you just focus on yourself. Take a bath, have a glass of wine while watching your favourite movies or enjoy takeout alone. Spending time alone with yourself will help you refuel and get connected with your inner peace.

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Don’t we all just want to travel? If you have the time and money, why not venture out during the winter? Get away from the snow to somewhere tropical, or embark on an adventure within your own country. Whatever your budget is, find that place that will help you a) get away from the cold and b) give you some amazing stories to tell.


Have a Weekly Girls' Night

Nothing is better than getting together with your ladies to chat and gossip. The winter is a great excuse to stay bundled up indoors with a cup of tea (or wine!) in your PJs with your best girlfriends. Make it a weekly thing. Just say that every Wednesday night you gather your girlfriends and sit around just to simply chill out.

There are so many ways to beat the cold that don’t have to cost too much money. Use your imagination and take advantage of your pals to keep you company. What are some great ways that you keep cozy in the winter months? Give me some more ideas!

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