20 Ways to Gain Weight Healthily ...


20 Ways to Gain Weight Healthily ...
20 Ways to Gain Weight Healthily ...

There are tons of reasons you may want to gain weight, but there are also tons of ways to gain weight healthily! Are you a little too skinny and you want to put some meat on your bones? Or maybe you are just looking to bulk up on some muscle. Ladies, you always want to follow ways to gain weight healthily instead of just eating fatty foods. So, below, I've got the top 20 ways to gain weight healthily that will allow you gain all of the weight you want – the healthy way!

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1. Focus on Healthy Weight Gain Foods

When you are looking for ways to gain weight healthily, you've got to focus in on healthy foods. You don't want to resort to fatty foods, especially if you are trying to gain weight the healthy way. Below ladies, I've got some of the top healthy foods that will help you put on the pounds!

2. Eat Six Times a Day

I know that a lot of articles and posts state that you should eat six times per day to lose weight, but you can also eat about six times a day to gain weight. This way to gain weight healthily is all about adding in a protein and a starch along with some veggies to your diet.

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3. Include Starch, Protein, Veggies and Fat in at Least 3 Meals

Remember the six meals a day rule? Well at least three of those meals should include starch, protein and veggies, that way you'll be getting your daily dose of everything you need to gain weight! This is absolutely one of the ways to gain weight healthily ladies!

4. Pack More Calories into Your Day

Whenever you can, you always want to make sure that you are trying to pack more calories into your day! Whether it is adding in a few nuts to your snacks or kicking up on the protein. Remember, you want ways to gain weight healthily, not by eating a bunch of fatty foods!

5. Protein Shakes

Protein shakes are a great way to ensure that you gain some weight! You can mix protein powder into a ton of different smoothies and shakes that still taste really good! Try it ladies!

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6. Weight Training

Weight training is another way to gain weight healthily and it's actually really good for you! Remember, just make sure that you are safe and that you do some research before you start to just jump into weight training.

7. Drink Mixed Juices for Higher Calorie Intake

Mixing up your juices, such as cranberry and blueberry is a great way to ensure that you are gaining healthy calories and that you are upping your calorie intake! For me, Oceanspray is one of my favorite juice brands, what about you ladies?

8. Drink a Small Amount of Alcohol before Eating

Another way to gain weight healthily is all about drinking a little bit of alcohol before eating. A half a glass of wine is a great way to truly up your calorie intake and to help you gain weight the healthy way!

9. Limit Drinking Beverages to a Half Hour before and after a Meal

Drinking is one of the top ways to make yourself feel fuller before you eat. If you limit your drinking before you eat, you'll be able to eat a little bit more and be able to gain some additional calories. Keep that in mind ladies!

10. Snack between Meals

Snacking between meals is always something that you should be doing when you are trying to gain weight. You also want to make sure that you are keeping the snacks to healthy but high calorie snacks, that way you'll be able to put on more weight quicker!

11. Add Good Fats to Your Diet

There is a huge difference between fatty foods and foods with good fats, below I'm going to explore some foods with good fats that you can indulge in during your snacking and even add to your daily diet!

12. Have a Healthy Snack before Bed

Another way to gain weight healthily is to have a good snack before bed. Why not have a peanut butter sandwich before bed? That way you'll gain some additional calories and in turn, be able to gain some weight!

13. Eat Peanut Butter

That brings us to our next point! Peanut butter is one of the foods that has a ton of good fats in it, it also has a lot of calories, so when you eat peanut butter, it's actually a great way to ensure that you will gain some additional weight and intake some more calories!

14. Avocados

Avocados is another food that has a lot of good fat in them. Whether you are adding in some avocados to a salad or you are just looking to eat them as a snack, avocados is a great way to add in some good fat to your diet!

15. Olive Oil

Another good fat is olive oil. I love olive oil, I think that it is so delish on everything, especially veggies! You can add it into everything from a stir fry all the way to just a little drizzle along some fresh veggies. Add in some olive oil to your diet ladies as one of the top ways to gain weight healthily!

16. Nuts

Another healthy option for good fat is nuts. Almonds, cashews and even adding in some peanuts is a great way to get rid of the fatty foods but keep the good fat. Nuts also give you energy too, which is always a plus!

17. Avoid Deep Fried Food

Always, always, always avoid a lot of deep fried food. Ladies, it's definitely not the best way to gain weight, you want to do it healthy right? Fried food will give you all of the bad fats and can clog up everything in your body.

18. Cook with Good Oils

When you are cooking and trying to find ways to gain weight healthily, always make sure that you are cooking with good oils. Olive oil is the best and honestly, it's one of the most flavorful!

19. Stick to Lean Meats

Just because you are trying to gain weight, doesn't mean that you should go with all of the fatty meats out there. You should stick with a lot of leaner meats, that way you are still getting the protein, but not a lot of the fat.

20. Bump up the Protein

Finally, speaking of protein, always, when you are looking for ways to gain weight healthily, you want to bump up the protein a lot. Whether it is through nuts or through meat, make sure that you are eating a lot of protein!

So ladies, if you are trying to look for ways to gain weight healthily, here are my top 20 ways! What are some of the other ways to gain weight healthily that you've tried? Sound off below!

Top Image Source: invogue.sz

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thank you so much for this article!

what if you are unable to eat much. i eat very little and when i force myself, i vomit.

am gonna try everythin and hopefully will be more curvy at my friend's weddin in october!! :) thank you <3

I eat alot and my weight goes up and Down, one minute I'm gaining and month later I lose it! Hopefully this helps, it's hard to keep my weight up..

Very helpful. Wish there were more articles like this. Seems everyone is trying to lose weight but there are some of us who have trouble gaining it too. Thank you.

I hope it work for me, because I tried every supplement that can gain weight but still failed. Question wine can gain weight but I read that before meal , but how about after meal? because every night I drink 1 glass of wine after meal

i just eat eat eat into i get fat thanks :)

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