Who Says Technology is Bad? How Your Cell Can Help You Stay Healthy ...

Alicia May 15, 2015

Are you trying to live a healthier lifestyle? Your cell can help you! There are tons of ways you can use your cell to have better health. I hope some of these ideas encourage you.

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Do you prefer texting or calling to communicate?

1. Let Social Media Offer You Support and Encouragement

Did you lose two pounds? Give up sugar? Share your accomplishments on social media and let your friends cheer you on! Those words of encouragement mean a lot. That might be what keeps you going when you want to give up.

2. Download Some Apps to Encourage Your Fitness Routines

The number of apps you can find online to help you with fitness is huge, to say the least. There’s something for everyone. You can download apps that teach you things like how to run a 5k. There are apps to track your progress, such as Map My Walk. It’s all about what your unique interests are when it comes to fitness. A bit of searching is sure to uncover some apps to benefit you in your individual fitness preferences.

3. Use MY FITNESS PAL to Track Your Daily Calorie Count and Weight

If one of your goals is to lose a few pounds then My Fitness Pal is a great app to choose. It counts your calories throughout the day. You can track your progress and look back and see how far you’ve come. You can watch your friends’ progress if any of them are using this app. There are also tons of great resources on this site, such as healthy recipes and fitness advice.

4. Set Alarms on Your Phone to Remind You of Things to do for Your Health

The alarms on your cell can be beneficial in pursuing a healthy life. You can set an alarm to remind you to exercise; my sister uses her cell this way. You can also use alarms to remind you to drink more water or take your vitamins. You know the areas where you’re struggling. That’s where you can use an alarm to help you.

5. Let Your Phone Give You Motivation through Music to Work out

Most people find that their workout goes up to a whole new level when they add music. The kind of music that encourages you to achieve your best workout may be different than what encourages someone else. For me, it’s recent hits. Whatever type of music you find motivational, you can use your cell to provide it during your workout. Many people use their cell this way.

6. Make Use of Your Stopwatch to Beat Your Own Record

Depending upon the type of workout you do, the stopwatch on your cell could be helpful. You may want to time yourself to see how long it takes to get through your workout routine. You may want to try to beat your best record. There are a variety of ways you can use the stopwatch on your cell to help you live a healthier lifestyle.

7. Look for Healthy Recipes in Those Spare Minutes You Find

One thing most of us are good at is surfing the web. You already have your phone in your hand, so why not use that time you’re waiting in the checkout line or for your child to finish their soccer practice to do something beneficial? Search for some healthy recipes online. Pinterest is a great site for this. I recently found a recipe for Lemon Broccoli which was a hit with the whole family.

These are 7 ways you can use your cell to help you stay healthy but there are many more. How do you use your cell for this purpose? I’d love to hear your ideas.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

It also gives u cancer too

More making us stupid, I'm seeing more and more people so attached with their phones Even go to the bathroom!!

Cell ph ous not bad its how we use ut or how much we use it its all up to us

Never want to see this kind of post instead we should raise awareness how dangerous it can be

At the end of the day were being exposed to radiation and people do get cancer from being so attached to their phones. Give yourself a break from it!

Did we forget no matter how much we're reminded or how many times we see those devastating commercials, that people STILL continue to use their phone. Put it down already! We've survived without it 10 years ago, we can survive without it at times.

You can do this stuff without a phone,an iPod works just as well (:

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