9 Best Brain Foods to Help You Focus ...


9 Best Brain Foods to Help You Focus ...
9 Best Brain Foods to Help You Focus ...

The next time you have a big project, presentation or test to study for, nosh on some of these best brain foods to help you power through! These best brain foods not only help nourish your brain but they also provide lots of nutrients that your body craves. Feed your brain and your body with some of these brain foods that’ll help you with focus and function!

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1. Eggs

Is it any surprise that eggs top this list of best brain foods? Eggs are great for your eyes and contain nine grams of protein and nine essential amino acids. Egg yolks contain lots of lutein and choline, which are both linked to cognitive function and help regulate brain function and the nervous system. Have some eggs for breakfast or have some hard-boiled eggs as a mid-day snack.

2. Avocado

Good thing avocado is one of the foods that help you focus because I can’t get enough of it! Avocados contain lots of protein, healthy fats and antioxidants to protect our bodies and help increase blood circulation, which is vital for optimum brain function. Have some avocado slices on your salads or sandwiches or include some in your omelet!

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3. Salmon

I know salmon makes its way on many of these best foods lists and for good reason! Salmon is not only one delicious fish but it contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for so many things! Omega-3s benefit our skin and heart and help improve learning and memory. If you hate fish, try getting your omega 3s through edamame, wild rice or flaxseeds.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are another popular food that’s not only an amazing brain food but they’re also loaded with antioxidants for healthy skin! Snacking on blueberries will help boost your immune system, counteract free radicals and help reduce belly fat. But that’s not all, scientists found that diets rich in blueberries help heal damaged brain cells and help keep your mind sharp for many years to come!

5. Leafy Greens

Veggies have long been known to be good for our bodies, but the leafy green types actually help our brains stay young. Veggies like kale, arugula and spinach can all help prevent cognitive decline and help keep our brains stay in tip top shape. Leafy greens also contain iron, which is another good reason to eat up. Iron deficiencies have been known to cause brain fog and poor mood.

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6. Chocolate

Great news for chocoholics, chocolate is a brain food that can help give us more brain power! Chocolate contains polyphenols that are known to increase blood flow to the brain and help protect against age-related memory loss. Eating about 2 Hershey’s kisses or the equivalent can help satisfy our sweet tooth and boost our brains!

7. Olive Oil

The health benefits of olive oil are plentiful but it’s very little known that olive oil promotes good memory, clear thinking and more balanced moods. Eating a low-fat diet is okay but we have to remember that our brains are made of fat, so they need regular doses of healthy fats to stay strong!

8. Oats

Delicious and healthy foods that help you focus also include oats. Oats make for a quick and easy breakfast but they also have lots of fiber to help us stay full longer and help our brains stay sharp longer. Oats also contain protein to help you stay energized throughout the morning. Top your oats with berries for an antioxidant boost for some major brain food!

9. Coffee

Are you surprised to see coffee on this list of foods that help you focus?! Although coffee isn’t food, we frequently turn to a cup of java to help wake us up and get through long periods of work. We’re not suggesting that you down a pot of coffee with lots of sugar and cream, but a cup of coffee has enough caffeine to increase mental functioning and attention span!

Work these brain foods into your diet to help you focus and keep your brain healthy and nourished! There are so many foods that have so many benefits for our bodies and brains that it’d be a shame not to take advantage of them! Do you eat any of these best brain foods?

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