Not long have I found 10 great things to get you healthy but they’re all under $10! Getting healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. That’s right; you can get healthy and feel stronger by making small tweaks to your everyday routine and incorporating these inexpensive things to get healthy! So make a small investment in making a big impact on the quality of your life!
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1. ProForm Squeeze Water Bottle
Price: $7.77 at
One of the top things to get healthy is to hydrate your body with water. We all know how important water is to a healthy lifestyle, but many of us still aren’t getting enough! Water bottles aren’t just for the gym; the best way to remind yourself to hydrate throughout the day is tote a water bottle along wherever you go. You don’t need a fancy water bottle, just choose something BPA-free or opt for a glass bottle.
2. DYNA-BAND 6ft. Green Medium Resistance Band
Price: $9.09 at
Another fabulous find to get healthy is an elastic band. Elastic bands are great for ladies who travel a lot or don’t have a ton of room for exercise equipment at home! Sets of bands can get pricey so just start off with one band and get familiar with the various exercises you can do with bands. It’s a great way to stretch, do resistance exercises and work out your upper and lower body!
3. Gold’s Gym 4lb. Walking Dumbbell Set
Price: $9.97 at
A great budget-friendly way to get fit and healthy is a set of light dumbbells. Use these colorful weights to tone muscles while watching TV, out while taking a walk or stow them in your cubicle drawers to get a quick and light upper body on a break at work. Lifting light weights can help build lean muscles, boost metabolism and improve muscular endurance so don’t shy away from light weights!
4. Rainbow Light Women’s One Multivitamin
Price: $8.54 at
A must-have item to get healthy is a multivitamin! We can’t always get our daily intake of necessary vitamins and minerals by eating alone so pop a multivitamin daily to get healthy and stay healthy! This formula is gentle on the stomach and is specially formulated for a woman’s body. The bottle is 100% recycled and is free of sugar, yeast, gluten and dairy.
5. Danskin NOW 3mm Printed Happiness Yoga Mat, Lavender Butterflies
Price: $9.47 at
Another frugal and portable thing to get healthy is a yoga mat. Yoga mats can be used to do yoga poses obvi, but you can also use it to pad a floor to do crunches on the floor, stretch, and various other floor exercises where you want a barrier between you and the hotel carpet or any other hard surface. Yoga mats are great to use to increase balance and coordination when doing your favorite yoga pose or for doing other exercises on a slippery floor!
6. Starbucks via Ready Brew Instant Coffee Italian Roast Extra Bold
Price: $5.56 at
Coffee is an affordable item to get healthy?! Yes, just do it in moderation. I’m not cool with caffeine withdrawals and crashes so limit your intake but definitely have yourself a nice cup of coffee to get some energy to exercise whether it’s a brisk walk or a full blown workout at the gym. According WebMd, coffee drinkers have a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease, type-2 diabetes, dementia, certain cancers and strokes. These Via packets are portable and you can take it black or mix with low fat milk and Stevia for a sweet treat!
7. Roscato Rosso Dolce Wine
Price: $9.99 at
Red wine is definitely one of the indulgent things to get healthy that you can feel good about having! Imbibe this beneficial sweet wine that has aromas of various berries. Red wine, like coffee, should be consumed in moderation. Try to keep your wine-drinking to a minimum to reap the healthy benefits and not get too tipsy. Red wine contains polyphenols which reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer and it also contains tons of antioxidants. Drink to your health while staying within your budget!
8. DMC-03 Multifunction Pedometer with Steps, Distance and Calories
Price: $6.75 at
Pedometers are one of the most painless yet effective things to get healthy that you can get for yourself! Track the steps you take during the day and make it a habit to take more steps each day. Walking is great exercise and you can burn extra cals by attaching one of these guys and trying to get in more steps each day! You’ll probably be amazed at the number of steps you take in a day and a pedometer is a great way to track your steps and walk your way to a healthier lifestyle!
9. Yogi Teas Golden Temple Tea Co Green Tea Kombucha
Price: $5.07 at
Teas are another must-have item to get healthy! Drinking tea is relaxing, soothing and great for your body. Kombucha tea in particular is touted as a health tonic and works as a probiotic, detoxifier and a metabolic balancer among other things. Some have reported allergic reactions to Kombucha so be aware of this before trying it out. Most teas have tons of good-for-you properties such as antioxidants and a reduced risk of certain diseases so definitely give it a try!
10. NOW Foods Melatonin
Price: $7.19 at
Sleep is so important to maintaining health and Melatonin is an awesome tool to get healthy by getting enough shut-eye every night. I rarely get enough sleep and find myself tired at the most inopportune times! Per NOW Foods, Melatonin is a potent antioxidant that defends against free radicals and helps to support glutathione activity in the neural tissue. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking Melatonin as it can interact with prescriptions and certain medical conditions.
You can make small changes to start living a healthier life and these 10 things to get healthy can help you get on track to a healthy lifestyle while staying within a budget! You don’t have to be a total health nut or fitness fanatic to be healthy, eating right and staying active during the week will do wonders for your mental and physical health! What are your favorite ways to get healthy?
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