7 Magical Herbs to Fight Yeast in the Body ...


7 Magical Herbs to Fight Yeast in the Body ...
7 Magical Herbs to Fight Yeast in the Body ...

If you’ve ever had problems with a yeast infection or a sugar and carb addiction due to yeast overgrowth in the body, you’ll want to keep these herbs for yeast on hand. Most people don’t know that intense carb cravings and poor insulin management can actually feed a harmful yeast that lives inside all of us, causing it to grow out of control. Candida Albicans is the most common known yeast and is an opportunistic fungus (or form of yeast) that can cause fatigue, sugar cravings, irritability, IBS, weight gain, joint pain and gas. It can also cause a sense of foggy headedness or low energy. Candida is part of our gut flora, or the microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestines. When it starts getting out of control it weakens the intestinal wall, penetrates through into the bloodstream and releases toxins in the body, causing yeast overgrowth. Probiotics help to fight yeast in the body, along with certain foods and herbs like these magical herbs for yeast. You’ll also want to avoid foods that feed the yeast, which is anything that can turn to sugar in the body. This means all forms of natural and refined sugars, and all carbs with the exception of plain unsweetened yogurt, non-starchy veggies and low sugar, gluten-free grains.

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1. Oregano

Oregano, and oregano oil, is one of the most potent herbs for yeast you can consume. Oregano contains compounds known as phenols, which help fight bacterial infections, fungus overgrowth and Candida. It is also rich in antioxidants that fight off infections as well and promote the immune system. Don’t just sprinkle the herb on your dishes, though that is great too. Consider taking drops of oregano oil each day or find a supplement containing oregano oil.

2. Pau D'Arco

This specific herb is one of my favorites for a weakened digestive system due to yeast overgrowth. It is very potent and is often brewed as a tea, though it can be found in supplement form. I like to drink this tea once or twice daily to prevent fungal overgrowth. You can find the tea bags at places like Whole Foods or other local health stores. It is also available in numerous places online.

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3. Garlic

It may stink, but you’ll want to crack open a few garlic cloves a day if you’ve got a yeast infection or yeast overgrowth in the body. Garlic is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent and Candida cannot survive when garlic is present. This means you need to take it liberally and continuously while you’re warding off yeasts. You can cook with it or chop it into salads, but it might be easier to take it in supplement form. You’ll feel better fast with the immune-boosting properties of garlic as well.

4. Echinacea

I adore Echinacea when I have a cold, which it is best known for fighting away, but this sweet tasting herb is also huge in anti-Candida benefits. By supporting the immune system, Echinacea fights against Candida as well as other infections. You can buy it as a tea, which I find tasty, or buy it in supplement form.

5. Black Walnut

No, this isn’t the actual nut I’m referring to, but black walnut (or black walnut hull), a natural herb which contains tannins that kill fungal overgrowth like Candida, and it even kills parasites! Yikes! It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both Candida overgrowth and a parasitical infection. You can find this super herb in most antifungal supplements.

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6. Olive Leaf Extract

The olive leaf extract is used in many antifungal supplements, because it fights infections actually caused by Candida overgrowth. A high-potency standardized olive leaf extract can knock out Candida fast, so be sure if you choose to buy this that you buy a very quality, potent source.

7. Triphala

This last herb is my favorite. Triphala is an Ayurvedic herb used to cleanse the colon and remove toxins and it is quite effective without harming your intestines. It is not a stimulant at all, and actually soothes the lining of the digestive tract and intestines that can become inflamed due to Candida overgrowth. Triphala is made from three fruits: harada, amla and bihara and it is widely used in India. The herbal form of these fruits does not contain sugar so don’t worry. You can find triphala in your natural food store or online. It is available in powder or pill form. Most people use one or two tablets daily or 1/4 tsp. of the powder in 8 oz. of cool water. Don’t take too much, but consider it if your yeast overgrowth causes constipation or IBS symptoms. I always recommend seeking advice from a holistic professional before using any herbal supplements including triphala.

Symptoms of Candidiasis include fatigue, depression, digestive problems, abdominal pain, indigestion, heartburn, sore throat, white coating on the tongue, cough, sinus problems, bad breath, itching, headaches, skin rashes, milky discharge, and re-occurring vaginal yeast infections. If you want more information on Candida, and foods to eat and avoid, then visit Candidadiet.com or Bodyecology.com, which both specialize in treating Candida. Have you ever had a yeast overgrowth?

Sources: naturalnews.com, thecandidadiet.com, bodyecology.com, thecandidadiet.com

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Thanks for the info. I am going to look into some of these.

Are these options ok for dealing with thrush by any chance?

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