7 Natural Remedies That Really Work ...


7 Natural Remedies That Really Work ...
7 Natural Remedies That Really Work ...

When I’m sick, I want to take Natural Remedies that really work! I don’t like to take meds that have so many side-effects that my initial sickness seems like it is a walk in the park. Life is too hectic to spend it lying around feeling miserable, and most drugs out there only exacerbate this sentiment. That’s why finding natural products to help relieve coughing, scratchy throats, stuffy noses, headaches, and sleepless nights are such a god-send. Here’s a list of 7 natural alternatives to help you back on your feet quicker than ever, with no signs of slowing you down.

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1. Ginger Tea

Ginger has both antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties which can soothe multiple symptoms including sore throats, stomach aches, and headaches. All you have to do is slice a 1 inch piece of ginger root into thin disks and boil in water for 5-10 minutes. The longer you let it steep, the more potent the tea will become. If you have a sore-throat, or want to add some sweetness, add a little bit of honey. They honey will coat your throat while creating an even tastier concoction, making this one of my favorite natural remedies out there.

2. Coconut Oil

Not just for culinary purposes, coconut oil can be used to hydrate dry, chapped skin and to soothe the irritation that comes from blowing your nose every 2 minutes. Just dab a little under your nose and let the soothing begin. You can also use it on split-ends to help reverse all the over-processing that we all love to do to our hair. Another natural product with oh so many benefits.

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3. Turmeric Gargle

Most of you have probably heard of gargling with salt water to relieve your sore throat. The salt shrinks swollen glands. However, if you add turmeric to the mix (the yellow spice that gives curry its color), you will get an additional anti-inflammatory benefit. Sprinkle equal parts salt and turmeric in warm water and gargle. Wa-la.

4. Salt-water Nasal Spray

Just as salt water can help reduce inflammation in your throat, it can do the same for your nose. To help the "I can’t breathe" feeling subside, buy a pure Salt-water Nasal Spray and use every couple hours. The great thing about this product is it is all-natural and non-addicting, so you can spray away. Typical nasal sprays have medicine in them and are extremely habit-forming, causing the stuffiness to become worse.

5. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil (also known as Melaleuca Oil and used in a vast array of natural products), is a great remedy to help combat stuffy-noses and to soothe chest congestion. Mix a little bit with warm water, dip a wash cloth in it, and then place under your nose to help soothe and moisten simultaneously. You can also dab the oil directly onto the skin surrounding your nostrils, or onto your chest, for a more invigorating feeling. Either way, you will begin to feel better in no time flat.

6. Melatonin

One of the worst parts about being sick is the fact that you are so tired, yet can’t seem to get a good night’s rest. Melatonin is here to help. A natural hormone found in all mammals, melatonin helps to regulate the body’s normal sleep cycle. Proven to help you fall asleep faster, melatonin allows your body to get the sleep it needs when you are under the weather.

7. Water

Don’t discount the power of this mighty beverage. When you are sick, your body is working on overdrive to clear out your system of unwanted pathogens. Drinking water will help rehydrate your body and flush these suckers out. Drink at least 8 glasses a day – the more the better. Adding lemon juice to the mix will help fight these pathogens even further, so squeeze a little in your water for an additional boost. Mint is another taste enhancer which is also known to combat nausea, so if this is your issue, add some mint to your water as well.

It always seems that right when our lives are busier than ever is the time that we get sick. But don’t let your sickness, or your meds, hold you down. Try these natural remedies so that you will feel better in no time! What other healthy med-alternatives have you tried to help pull you out of your sickness misery?

Top Image Source: helpful.com

Feedback Junction

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These all are so gud remedies.....some of them i knew earlier and some i get to know by you. So thanksss a lot. i just want to know what are the benefits of turmeric gargle....

Garlic, garlic, garlic. Best cold remedy ever. Lemon juice with honey and hot water also works brilliantly for sore throat. My mum also used to make onion syrup for colds: mixing chopped onions with honey and sugar and letting it in a warm place overnight - the essential oils from onions plus anti inflammatory properties of honey worked miracles!

These are all great remedies, but I'd also like to add one very popular in Estonia - curing a fever with vodka socks. Basically you just wet a pair of socks in a water and vodka mixture, and then put them on underneath a pair of warm socks. It really makes you sweat the fever out!

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