7 Reasons to Start Working out in Fall ...


7 Reasons to Start Working out in Fall ...
7 Reasons to Start Working out in Fall ...

I’m so sad to see summer go, but one of the things I love about fall is the chance to re-make my workout regimen. No more sweating through my workout! But what about you? Do you see fall as a time to start new, too? If so, keep reading! Here are 7 reasons to start working out in the fall…

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1. Stay Fit through the Holidays

If your family is anything like mine, “holidays” pretty much means “calories.” One reason to start working out in the fall is so that you can keep fit through the holidays. Working out all season long means you won’t be stuffing yourself into unbecoming sweatpants come Christmas — you can totally rock that slinky red dress!

2. Keep Your Beach Bod for Vacation

If you’re traveling for at all this autumn, or early next winter, one of the other convincing reasons to start working out this fall is that you’ll keep the smashing beach bod you have now, rather than struggling to get it back before your trip. Is there anything worse than having to buy a new sarong to hide the pudge you’ve acquired since summer?

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3. It’s Easier in Cooler Temps

Running makes me sweat… so I look forward to fall so my run doesn’t require a shower immediately after. If you’ve been hiding in the air-conditioned gym all summer, cooler fall temps mean working out in the great outdoors again, in the crunchy fall leaves and gorgeous fall colors!

4. Easier to Schedule

Fall means back to school, so if you’re a busy mom, fall can also mean a schedule that finally allows a regular workout. If you’ve been putting off your fitness routine because you just don’t have time, rejoice! One of the best reasons to start working out in the fall is that school is back in session, and your schedule is a little more manageable again.

5. The Clothes…

There is one reason, and one reason only, I loathe working out in the summer: the clothes I have to wear to avoid dropping over dead from heat exhaustion. I’m far too modest to run around in my running shorts, shortie bra top, and clingy tank top, but I have no choice. One of my biggest reasons to start working out in the fall, then, is the ability to wear more modest (and forgiving) workout wear. Finally!

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6. End-of-season Specials

Here’s another reason to start working out in the fall that you may not have considered: sales! Most of the summer workout gear (which is still perfect for fall) will be on sale, along with deep discounts on the stuff left-over from last winter and spring. Scoring a sweet deal on new trainers is a marvelous bonus indeed!

7. No Time like the Present!

You know what? I’ve been touting fall as the perfect time to start working out for some very compelling reasons, but truly, any time you’re feeling inspired to start a new fitness regimen is exactly the right time to do it! If you’re feeling motivated now, then go for it… even if this article is months old and it’s springtime now. Just do it!

With so many reasons to start working out in the fall, are you going to go for it and get started? If so, which of these reasons sealed it for you? Or is there another advantage to starting a new workout in the fall that didn’t make my list? Please share!

Top Image Source: womenshealthmag.com

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