7 Healthy Reasons Why You Should Drink Organic Milk ...


There are a number of reasons you should drink organic milk and I am happy to share them with you. As a mom of three, I focus even more on eating healthy because I am taking care of someone other than myself. I want to raise my children to be healthy and boost their health. I want to feel good about what I am giving to my family. And I actually drink two glasses everyday because it is so beneficial for your health. Although there is so much data out on organic versus non organic milk, research has shown that organic milk can be higher than the regular milk in omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, and vitamin E. Organic milk can also lower cholesterol levels and it strengthens your bones. So here are all my reasons you should drink organic milk.

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1. No Antibiotics

Organic milk is produced without antibiotics. Many health issues for animals are from overusing antibiotics, and these health issues are also caused for humans that drink the milk. Have wholesome organic milk to avoid this. Organic milk comes from cows that were not given antibiotics, so you can avoid health problems as a result of this. This is the first of my reasons you should drink organic milk.

2. Lasts Longer

Surprisingly, organic milk lasts longer than non organic, so you can actually save money by drinking organic milk. This is another reason to drink organic milk over regular milk, its ability to go for a long time without going bad. Organic milk is heated to double the temperature than regular milk. For this reason it takes longer for organic milk to go sour. Organic milk has a longer shelf life, in the refrigerator of course, so this can actually help you to save money.

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3. No Pesticides

One benefit of drinking organic milk is the fact that organic milk is from cows that haven't been given growth hormones, so it is more natural. Make a more wholesome choice. Enjoy milk without the pesticides and feel good about what you are drinking!

4. Reduce Heart Disease and Diabetes

Did you know organic milk is very high in conjugated linoleic acids (CLA)? CLAs are vital healthy fats that have been linked to reducing heart disease and diabetes. So to better your health and lower your risk of disease, drink some organic milk!

5. Support Bone Formation

By drinking milk, both organic and regular, you will supply your body with plenty of calcium to strengthen your bones, teeth and help bone formation!

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6. Enjoy More Vitamins

Research has shown that organic milk has even more vitamins than regular milk. So if you want to boost your immunity, drink some organic milk! Organic milk is actually higher than the regular milk in omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, and vitamin E! This is a major reason to choose organic milk.

7. Feel Good Eating Clean

How great do you feel drinking organic milk, knowing you are making the more natural choice? It feels comforting! Avoid growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticides by making the healthier choice for both you and your family. Better your health, bones and teeth by making the healthy choice. You will not regret it!

Now that I have told you all the reasons to drink organic milk, the better choice is up to you. Do you drink organic or regular milk? And tell me why?

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Does it taste better than regular milk? How does it taste

Um GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism, so no, it's not "in" anything it either IS a GMO or is not. Many foods that you mention like soy, canola (which is actually a flowering plant where they derive the oil from the seed of the plant called the rapeseed, but society doesn't like that word so they say canola) and corn are not GMO's and you can buy non GMO ingredient foods and drinks. People are sadly mistaken that "organic" means healthy and so much better for you. It's so inflated and overrated.

@Emily Garcia Genetically modified ingredients CAN be found IN things such as animal feed and tons of processed food if the ingredients themselves had been GM. That is a fact. If a cow eats feed containing GM corn during the last portion of their life in a feedlot to increase intramuscular fat then it's been said that the meat could be considered GM. I'll agree with you in saying that the term organic can be overrated, as can the term "all natural". Organic only means that SOME of the ingredients etc. used in production are actually organic, the rest could be anything. But opting for brands/products that tell you what percent of the ingredients are USDA certified organic is preferable - the higher the better. Every country state and province has different regulations regarding the drugs and chemicals involved in food production and raising animals so saying rBGH is no longer used in 98% of dairy production doesn't say much.

No added growth hormones

I'm not saying organic milk is bad. But this is is obviously someone who knows nothing about agriculture. All milk sold in stores is from cows without growth hormones.... Seriously. People amazes me...

I just don't drink milk. Organic or not it's still not suitable for human consumption >.<

I drink regular because: #1. Non-organic milk also comes from cows that have not been treated with antibiotics. And there has been NO evidence to show a difference between milk from antibiotic treated cows and not treated cows. #2. Pesticides are not growth hormones, I'm not sure why you were talking about that when your point was supposed to be about pesticides. #3. Regular milk has CLA's too, in the same number as organic #4. Regular milk also supports bone formation #5. It's not obnoxiously over priced.

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