Sometimes life can get the best of us, and when that happens it’s important to take a step back and consider indulging in a much-needed mental health day. While an existence free of all pressure may be unfathomable, it is still important to maintain a healthy sense of stability. If you are feeling overwhelmed, under the weather or overworked, maybe a mental health day is exactly what you need to recharge yourself inside and out. Here are seven signs it's time for a break.
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1. Sleep Deprivation
There's a difference between waking up a bit tired and teetering the line of exhaustion. If feeling overtired has become a part of your daily routine, then you are absolutely in need of a mental health day. A lack of sleep can lead to dizziness, confusion and blurred vision, not to mention make even the happiest of us ladies quite crabby! Sleep is essential to your well-being, and crucial for taking on the world. Allowing yourself a day to sleep in and stay under the covers until your body feels rejuvenated is a great way to get back on track for the future.
2. Stress
While stress is a burden we all must carry, there is a limit to how much strain you should allow on your life. If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed about the tasks you must perform or the situations you find yourself in, then it is time to consider adjusting a few things. When we forget to actively mediate the stress in our lives, before we know it, it tends to develop into an entirely different animal. Maintaining balance is essential to overall health and happiness, so if a quick time-out feels right to you take it as an indication that it is.
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3. Anxiety
Any level of anxiety can be taxing to one's well being, but amplify its presence in your life, and the results can be truly detrimental. There is a reason why comparing worrying to a rocking chair has become so popularized, because it's true! Often times our worrying will have little affect on the outcome of a given scenario, and yet it is human nature for us to feel a sense of concern, regardless. If you find that your anxiety about even the smallest things in daily life are becoming a distraction, then taking a day to reflect on what you can and cannot control may be the saving grace you need to free yourself from the weight of unnecessary worry.
4. Your Work is Suffering
No matter what you do, it is important to embark on that endeavor with a sense of passion. If you are plagued by the hectic details of life, you will likely limit yourself from truly utilizing the creativity from within. How you are feeling will undoubtedly project onto the ways in which you contribute to the world. Whether you are an attorney, artist or stay at home mother, every activity we engage in as women requires a part of who we are, and in order to fulfill those duties to the best our abilities, we simply must take care of our mental health.
5. You're Feeling Unhappy
As uncomplicated as it may sound, life is meant to be enjoyed. If work, personal, social or academic goals are negatively influencing your outlook, then it is time to take a step back and recharge. This is not to say that your aspirations are the problem, but maybe just the way in which you are approaching them. Sometimes the best way to improve is to simply acknowledge that our current method isn't working. Take the day to find your happy, doing so will only help you to appreciate the things you want out of life more.
6. You've Lost All Sense of Balance
No matter how great your work life may be, there is only so much to be said about it if it's all you have. Our connections with one another are what keep us in touch with the important things in life, and forgetting that reality can be detrimental to your mental health overall. Taking a day to unwind from work and reconnect with close friends and family is essential to feeding who you are on the inside. If you’re a stay at home caretaker, give yourself a few hours for a mani-pedi and massage with the girls, mommies more than anyone deserve a break now and then!
7. You’re Approaching a Big Life Event
There is a reason athletes rest the day before a big race. Going into a major event be it a test, performance, meeting or interview requires that you enter the arena with your A game in tow. Recharging yourself mentally whether it be through physical activity, socializing or a little bit of pampering can make all difference for you on the day that performance matters. Sometimes putting your best foot forward requires resting it first, so enjoy the break and know that moving forward you will be a better woman for it.
If any or dare I say all of these signs are resonating with you, maybe its time to take a step back. Your mental health is important, and giving yourself time to keep things in perspective is a great way to live life feeling and looking your best. What are some ways you unwind when you need a break?