Best Foods to Eat during Your Period to Fight Cramps ...


Best Foods to Eat during Your Period to Fight Cramps ...
Best Foods to Eat during Your Period to Fight Cramps ...

Keep reading to learn about the best foods to eat during your period.

Ok ladies, we all go through the pains of being a woman every month. Some of us more than others. From tender breasts, to stabbing back pain, to awful cramping, some of us are in so much pain, we miss out on life. Medicines can only do so much for fear of overdosing. The monthly visit can be a dark time but there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are foods out there that do help ease painful periods and even help keep you away from over-the-counter medications. Try to stick to natural foods which are the best foods to eat during your period:

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Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are one of the best foods to eat during your period because they are full of calcium and can help with back pain.


Sesame seeds are not only a great food to eat during your period, but they also have a variety of other health benefits. In addition to being a great source of calcium, sesame seeds are also a good source of dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. They are also a good source of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids.

Sesame seeds can help reduce inflammation, which can be especially helpful when dealing with cramps during your period. They are also a good source of vitamin E, which can reduce bloating and other symptoms associated with your period. Additionally, sesame seeds can help reduce stress, which can help alleviate some of the discomfort associated with your menstrual cycle.

Sesame seeds are also a great source of lignans, which are plant-based compounds that can help reduce the risk of some types of cancer. They can also help improve your cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure. Additionally, sesame seeds can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity.



Celery is known as the "thinner" vegetable. It helps those who have edema, so it will help with bloating and water retention.



If you have issues starting your period, parsley can actually help start it. For those in pain, parsley is full of vitamin C and helps with muscle relaxation and cramping. It is also sold in tea form.


Dark Chocolate

Make sure it is 70% dark cocoa. Not just any chocolate will do. The darker the better. It will help your muscles relax.



Green tea (matcha) is one of the best teas to drink during a painful period to soothe cramps. Drink decaf green matcha tea, as caffeine worsens cramping during that time of the month.



Drink lots of water during this time of month so your body can make new blood cells and help keep you from cramping and bloating.



Hummus is full of nutrients that can actually help you get a good night's sleep and help uplift your mood.



Ginger is a big one and one of my favorites. Not only is ginger good for colds, it is excellent for fighting inflammation. This is my go to when I am having a hard time with Aunt Flo. It helps with cramping and the horrendous back pain.



Cherries are full of vitamin C. If you eat a few at night, you will be able to get a good night's sleep as well.

Just as there are best foods to eat during your menstrual cycle there are also bad foods to eat that actually make cramping, back pain, and PMS worse. Stay away from these foods:



Dairy will make you even more bloated than you already are and cause more cramping and aching.



Caffeine is known to cause anxiety and higher levels of tension. The more tension you have, the more pain you will experience. Remember, the idea is to get you to relax.


Red Meat

Red meat will cause more cramping and even an upset stomach and bloating.



Too much sugar is known to trigger cramping. Even if you're not on your period it can cause other muscle cramps.

That time of the month is a pain in the ass. So please if you can, do the DO's and stay away from the DON'Ts so you can have some semblance of a life during this time.

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