8 Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep ...


In this busy world we are living in, sometimes it’s hard to get enough hours of sleep. Work, social life, and other everyday obligations can keep us up late or even for the entire night. According to scientists, the average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. To a busy person, sometimes sleep seems like a wasted time but in reality, a good night’s sleep has many benefits, both physical and emotional.

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Skin Health

We all heard the famous “beauty sleep” phrase. It’s actually truer than you think. While you’re sleeping and your body is shut down, your cellular tissues are repairing. New skin cells replace the old ones which leads to fewer wrinkles, less acne, and a healthier look on your skin. In addition, lack of sleep can lead to dehydration of the skin.



After a good night’s sleep, you feel rested both in body and mind. You are more productive in whatever it is you deal with. You will make better decisions and refocus faster after a distraction. Also, you will make fewer mistakes in your job.



Have you ever read something before you go to bed and the next morning you remembered it perfectly? Sleep is responsible for that. During the night, while your mind is resting, information is being transferred from one region of the brain to another. If you try to memorize something, the best thing you can do is read it before you go to bed.


Live Longer

Research has shown that people that have a steady sleep schedule are at less risk of suffering from various health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or cancer. In addition, long-term sleep deprivation can have negative effects on your overall health and make you vulnerable to disease.


Weight Loss

When you don’t have a good night’s sleep, you feel tired and out of energy. So you tend to eat more in an effort to replace this energy you are missing. Also, it’s possible that due to poor sleep you will feel too tired and you will be tempted to skip your workout.

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Helps with Depression

Depression and sleep disorders are linked according to scientists. Sleep disorders can cause depression and depression can cause sleep disorders. Research has shown that maintaining a steady sleep schedule can help with avoiding depression.


Faster Healing

There is a reason doctors suggest resting when you are ill. While you’re sleeping, your body finds the time to repair and restore any damage that might have been done during the day, so it can help heal you faster. When you are sick, your body is wasting a lot of energy in trying to heal. When you sleep, you give your system the opportunity to focus on that healing.


Better Mood

Since sleep helps with your health, both physical and mental and boosts your productivity, creativity, and memory, your overall mood will be better than usual. You will have more energy to do things you enjoy.

The average person sleeps approximately 3,000 hours every year. Sounds much? It’s not. Because after that satisfying sleep you get, you have the energy to live your life to the maximum for the remaining hours of the day.

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