Myths about Birth Control Pills That Sexually Active Women Should Know ...


Birth control pills aren't dangerous. If anything, they're actually going to keep you safe. That's why you should stop believing these ridiculous myths about birth control pills. Self has the real facts for you:

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1. The Pill Causes Weight Gain

The Pill Causes Weight Gain Some women will gain water weight from the pill. However, they won't gain anything more than that. It's just a coincidence that some women gain weight around the same time they start taking the pill, because they're starting college or starting to develop more in their late teens

2. The Pill Makes It Harder to Get Pregnant after You Go off It

The Pill Makes It Harder to Get Pregnant after You Go off It As soon as you stop taking the pill, you'll be able to get pregnant again. It doesn't mess with your fertility. If you stop taking the pill when you hit 40 and have trouble conceiving, you'll be less fertile because of your age, not because of the pill.

Frequently asked questions

3. You Need to Take the Pill at the Same Time Every Day for It to Work

You Need to Take the Pill at the Same Time Every Day for It to Work
It's okay if you take the pill a few hours late one day. Even if you miss a day completely, you can make up for it. So don't stress out too much.

4. It’s Not Safe to Skip Your Period
You can take the active pills in your birth control pack to stop your period. There's nothing harmful about it.

5. The Pill Causes Acne

The Pill Causes Acne If anything, the pill will actually help get rid of your acne. It'll "help lower the amount of testosterone in your system, and therefore, lessen the chance of acne."

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These "side effects" don't happen to every single woman on BC.

The pill does not make you literally gain weight, but the hormones make you hungrier and it makes it harder for you to lose weight.

Missing periods can be auite harmful for the body. Since it is the way a women's body naturally releives itself of the uterus lining. To avoid periods is risky if one tries to miss alot and can cause hormonal issues.

I'm currently taking the pill and I love it. Before the pill, I had irregular periods, hot flashes like crazy and lots of cramps. I'm only 18 and I'm pretty sure hot flashes don't come until menopause... Anyways... I love the pill. I'm never getting off of it unless I want a baby.... But I find nobody sexually attractive or desirable so it'll probably never happen.

I agree with Taylor and many others. It's just dependant on you and the pill you get put. I have never gained weight from my birth control. I have been on about 8 different ones for nearly 20 years. I started it for bad cramps and period symptoms and stayed on for protection and prevention of bad periods and pregnancies. I take it every day within a 3 hour period. The article is saying very specific things. Like if you miss or take it late one day, you aren't going to stop being protected provided you've been on it for a while. Some take a full month, some take 6 months before they fully protect you from pregnancy.

Missing a day defeats the purpose of taking the pill

I took the pill for 4 years and it was awful! I gained weight, had terrible periods and was an emotional wreck. I didn't realize how bad I felt until I got off of them. I agree with Ashley, this is a not a well researched article.

The pill definitely can cause weight gain..

i cant take birth control period... the effects are so severe on me it makes it harder for me to function thru the day due to headaches pain and severe mood changes, since ive been off it.. my body is normal lol

The pill can affect your sex drive @ Chelsey Nicholas

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