Scientific Proof That Making Your Bed is Actually Unhealthy Not Lazy ...


All of you messy girls can rejoice! According to our friends over at, it's actually healthier for you to leave your bed unmade in the morning than to tuck in your sheets.

Why? Because there are over a million dust mites living on your sheets at any given time. Since they need a damp, warm atmosphere to breed, they benefit from the sweat your body creates overnight.

When you make your bed as soon as you wake up in the morning, it traps all of those mites between your bedsheets and your mattress (right where all of your sweat is), creating the perfect breeding ground for them.

However, leaving your bed unmade exposes your sweat stains to more air, which dries them out. That causes the mites to dehydrate and die. It won't get rid of all the mites, but it will certainly reduce the amount of them. That means your allergies shouldn't be as bad.

There you have it. Now you have something to tell your mother when she yells at you for having a messy room. Are you going to stop making your bed from now on, or will the mess be too much for you to handle?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

@Kayy I used aloe Vera fresh from a plant on my excema and it disappeared

Why wasn't this proven when I needed it most?

Unless your bedroom is on the first floor of your house, I see no point in making it. I mean, who has the time anyway?!

I never make my bed anywaysπŸ˜‚πŸ™Š

I always make my bed and will continue to do so. You can keep on top of it by washing sheets regularly and maybe even change the mattress around

I never make my bed unless we have people over. I like my bed unmade- it strangely comforts me...

What if you wash your sheets once a week?

Oh yuck !

Hmmm... Messy room, bathroom, house, etc reflects a messy life... I al

Ohh wow interesting 😊 never again shall I make my bed. Not that I do anyway

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