7 Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse ...

Melissa Feb 14, 2013

7 Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse ...
7 Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse ...

Prescription drug abuse is a steadily increasing problem. Not only are people abusing their own prescribed pain killers and narcotics, young adults and teens are buying prescription medications from dealers to get high and party. Popular prescription drugs that people abuse include opioids like Oxycontin and Vicodin, anti-anxiety medications like Xanax and Valium, and stimulants like Ritalin. Each type of prescription drug abuse has its own signs and symptoms to be aware of. There are several signs that are evident in all prescription drug abuse.

Snapshot Survey

Do you prefer a calm and quiet environment or a bustling and lively one?

1. Mood Swings

It is common for abusers to experience frequent mood swings. The drugs they take can easily affect their mood. As they are coming off the high, their body starts to crash and they begin to feel frustrated, confused and angry. These feelings can easily turn hostile, especially if they are out of medication. Keeping reading for more signs of prescription drug abuse.

2. Poor Decision

If you notice a friend that you used to admire for always making the best choice, start making constant bad decisions, you may want to talk to her. Feel her out, there is a good chance she is involved with taking some sort of prescription medication or illegal drugs. Don’t be surprised if she becomes very defensive about your speculation. Unfortunately, this may not be a problem you can help her with. If your friend is a teenager, I would definitely tell a trusted adult to get her help.

3. Rapid Eye Movement

One sign of anti-anxiety drug abuse is involuntary rapid eye movement. You may notice people who are taking Xanax at a party having eyes that are constantly moving around. It is almost like their eyes are vibrating in their heads. The best way to see this is to have the person look to the left or to the right. We’ve all seen police officers ask suspected drunk drivers to follow their fingers back and forth. They aren’t testing to see if the driver can focus on their fingers. They are actually testing for rapid eye movement.

4. Weight Loss

A while back there were stories of moms taking their children’s hyperactive and ADHD medication to increase their energy. It became so popular it was a story line on Desperate Housewives. While the medication is used to calm an overactive child, it has the reverse effect on a regular person. It can increase metabolism and cause rapid weight loss, high blood pressure, irritability, irregular heartbeat, and impulsive behavior.

5. Confusion

People who abuse painkillers experience several different symptoms, one of them being confusion. You might also notice sweating, lack of coordination, and shallow breathing. It is easy for an abuser to overdose on prescription pain medication.

6. Run out of Pills

If you hear someone talking about how their prescription will be empty before they are good for a refill, you can easily assume they have taken more than their prescribed amount. This is the same for people who are constantly talking about losing a prescription, or switching doctors frequently. They are shopping around for a doctor who will write prescriptions without much care. It’s unfortunate, but there are doctors out there who do this.

7. Self- Recognition

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or are fully aware that you have been misusing your own prescription medication or those of someone in your household, it’s not too late to seek help. Tell a family member or a close friend and also speak to your doctor about your prescription drug abuse. Admitting and seeking help for your problem are the first steps to recovery.

Prescription drug abuse should not be taken lightly. It is an increasingly popular problem. In most places, teenagers can get their hands on heavy pain medication and sedatives just as easily as they can alcohol and illegal drugs. Know the signs for prescription drug abuse. Do you have a personal story about prescription drug abuse you would like to share?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I want to start a petition against making these pills easily accessible. My MIL abuses her meds and its sad to see how she's so dependent on them to function. Any little ache or pain and she wants drugs.

@Heather Jensen I had to stop being friends with her because she wouldn't stop bringing pills around me or respect what I had to say about them. She had no plans to stop and didn't care that she's basically a zombie. Sad, but I just couldn't stand her anymore.

My best advice - you can point out a persons problem to them. You can tell them how bad it hurts them and you, family,etc. the hard part is no one can fix an addiction unless its their own.. A person can look up or in mirror.. That person can see nothing and realize they have nothing an instead of turning around their life.. They take it, maybe on purpose-maybe not. That person has to WANT help. They might say to you ," ok yea ill get help bc you love me an I want to for you an do whatever it takes to get better for you." Yea,yea. 95% or more people with an addiction either seek help theirselves or its that they don't want it an its not bc lack of love for family friends themselves but they don't want the reality around them an its sad but its the reality of it. I ltr was an addict bc of the same reason but when I looked up around me ... I felt so ashamed an instead of letting it go on,get worse feeling more ashamed looking in the mirror at myself thinkn well holly why don't ya be a little more selfish bc everyone around is dealing w/ reality! Including me an my selfish attitude! I was weak an allowed myself to get weaker... I had a choice an I made another an another and life's full of em but dealing with an addict , don't fall in their self-pity trap or anything!! Be strong! Talk strong!! It'll open doors for them to be strong too!! It's the only way I've ever seen anyone seek for themselves and that's what you want them to do so they will know that in that mirror it was their choice, bad/good but it is them they see, not shame covered up or selfish acts of pity but a strong willed person, who in reality made their own choice and you will see a much more strong, confident person who is living reality with selfless intentions but the choice(s) are their own..always remember that when you look in the mirror, SMILE!! Your as good as you wanna be( not as others want you to be!!) tell addicts to do what's right for themselves , not you... They are the ones who have to notice selfishness and foolishness

I am 110 days clean from them

I used to take overdose on painkillers, sometimes in an attempt to commit suicide, other times to just knock my system out.. Many a times 30 painkillers.. As a result of my foolishness, my brain power has decreased dramatically and i am often in a confused state of mind and cannot do basic tasks..

I had a friend who was addicted to clonazepam. She's so out of it I stopped being friends with her but really it is so sad to see someone who can't function without popping a pill. Not that pills really helped her function ; she was always falling asleep, slurring her words and stumbling around. Prescription meds ruin lives.

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