Important Signs That Mental Health Therapy is Working ...


Important Signs That Mental Health Therapy is Working ...
Important Signs That Mental Health Therapy is Working ...

It's a good idea to be on the lookout for signs that mental health therapy is working for you. Many people seek mental health therapy for a variety of reasons, including anxiety, relationship issues, depression and eating disorders. A typical therapy session runs about 50 minutes long and consists of talking to a mental health professional about personal issues weekly for up to six months. But how does this process actually work? According to experts, there are things that indicate you are on the right track. Here are the signs that mental health therapy is working for you.

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1. You Look Forward to Sessions

If you get to a place where opening up becomes easier and more comfortable, you may be experiencing a breakthrough. This is one of the most obvious signs that mental health therapy is working for you.

2. You Are Having Fun

Anhedonia is the inability to experience pleasure from activities that you used to enjoy. When your mood is improving as a result of therapy you start to feel like engaging in hobbies and other fun activities.

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3. You Focus on the Present

Therapy is probably working for you if you become mindful of the here and now and tend to the things you are in control of at the moment.

4. Self-Care Becomes a Priority

Noticing that you are beginning to pay attention to your personal needs is an excellent sign of improvement. Examples of self-care activities are getting a new hairstyle, working out at a gym and getting a massage.

5. Therapist Suggestions Work

You know you are making progress when you apply your therapist’s suggestions and they work. According to Sheralyn Shockey-Pope, co-founder of Central Counseling Services, you know that therapy is working when you are able to transfer what you have been focusing on during therapy sessions to your own life.

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