The Booming Business of Home-Based Healthcare Options ...

Associate Apr 14, 2020

The Booming Business of Home-Based Healthcare Options ...
The Booming Business of Home-Based Healthcare Options ...

As millions of Americans isolate themselves at home in an attempt to help slow the spread of COVID-19, the advantages of home-based healthcare options become increasingly illuminated. Simply put, there’s a convenience factor of healthcare that can be accessed without leaving your home. From a business point-of-view, these services are a showcase of an investment opportunity.

Here are some of the more popular services that fall under the category of home-based healthcare:

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1. Disease Testing

You no longer need to go to the doctor to test yourself for a disease. It’s now possible for people to order disease testing kits online for a range of illnesses, including HIV. Access to at home HIV test kits adds an extra layer of confidentiality and control to those who may otherwise hesitate to get tested. This advantage extends to a multitude of other diseases that a person can test for in the privacy of their own home.

2. Home Health Aide Services

Home health aides help patients carry out basic tasks, including getting out of bed, walking, bathing, and dressing. With an ever-growing population of seniors, home health aide services are becoming an integral aspect of modern healthcare. The companies that run this service give their caregivers specialized training and oftentimes employ certified nurses as acting supervisors.

3. Telehealth

While the majority of medicine still requires physicians to examine and treat patients in person, a lot of aspects of healthcare can be done remotely. With a smartphone or tablet, patients can consult their doctors via video chat to address an assortment of conditions and concerns. This can be done with the patient at home and the doctor in a hospital or clinic many miles away. Using telehealth solutions is a convenient and cost-effective way for people to access health services without leaving the house.

4. Homemaker Services

When a person is recovering at home from a major medical procedure, an illness, or an accident, there is much that they will not be able to do for themselves. Home-based healthcare services offer these people the option to have someone take care of these things on their behalf. These are people who help with household cleaning chores, meal prep, laundry, and shopping. Elderly people are the least likely to have anyone at home who can carry out such tasks and need this particular service.

5. Companionship

Some patients spend most of their time alone. They do not have family and friends to come around and see how they are doing. This kind of interaction is important to the mental health of anyone who is ill or recovering from surgery. At-home health care providers send companions to these homes to give patients a bit of warmth and comfort. Some companies work with local charities and volunteer groups to enlist people who want to provide personal care and emotional support to patients.

6. Nutritional Support

A proper diet is an essential part of patient care. At-home health providers can send dieticians to patient homes to provide guidance on what to eat.

7. Lab Work

Patients who need blood work and urine tests need not go to the hospital. Such tests can be performed in the comfort of the patient’s home. Portable testing and x-ray machines can be used to carry out essential lab work without disturbing and uprooting someone who may be dangerous or difficult to transport to the hospital.

8. Home Delivered Meals

If it is impossible for some at-home patients to prepare their own meals, getting meals delivered to them is an option. Such patients need not spend excessive amounts of money ordering from fast-food restaurants and private caterers. They can work through an at-home health care company, which will make daily arrangements for them.

These are just some of the many home-based health options being offered. Every aspect of a sick or recovering person’s life and treatment regimen is covered, and the companies that offer these services will only grow more prosperous.

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