13 Self Help Tips for Hay Fever Sufferers ...


13 Self Help Tips for Hay Fever Sufferers ...
13 Self Help Tips for Hay Fever Sufferers ...

I’ve read a few posts on here about how we’re looking forward to spring but for some people it means puffy red and streaming eyes, a runny nose and itchy throat. Yes, it’s hay fever season. If you happen to live near birch trees you may already be afflicted as these are amongst the first plants and trees to pollinate, starting in March. If season allergic rhinitis makes your life a misery it’s good to know that there are things you can do about it. Here are 13 self help tips for Hay Fever sufferers.

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If you are going to use proprietary or prescribed drugs and medication, it is recommended that you start them three to four weeks before the season starts in order for the chemicals like antihistamines to build up in your body. If you haven’t started your drugs yet, maybe you should be thinking about it.



When you are out and about, Hay Fever sufferers may find a pair of wraparound sunglasses offers some protection from pollen getting in your eyes.



Contact lens wearers should try glasses during hay fever season. Not only will glasses offer a little protection but minute grains of pollen can get under the surface of your lenses to cause irritation.



No matter how hot it gets, your windows shouldn't be open. This also applies to your car and you should also make sure your car has a pollen filter fitted.



Hay Fever sufferers should avoid going out in the early evening as this is when pollination is most active and is when pollen count peaks.

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Do not mow your own lawn and if you have weeds that produce flowers you should probably stay away from even menial gardening tasks.



Check the pollen count on laundry days because Hay Fever sufferers should avoid drying washing outside when there’s a lot of pollen in the air.


Housework 1

There’s a couple of self help tips for Hay Fever sufferers relating to housework. The first is to buy a vacuum cleaner that is fitted with a HEPA – high efficiency particulate absorbing – filter. Vacuum carpets, curtains and upholstery regularly during pollen season.


Housework 2

Avoid using spray polishes and other surface cleaners. Instead a damp cloth that attracts dust to clean the surfaces you would normally polish.



If you have a shower or bath and change your clothes after being outside you might alleviate some of the symptoms of Hay Fever by getting rid of trapped pollen.



Investment in an air purifier will help clean the air in your in your home. If you have a big house, you might need more than one. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for room size, etc.



Special sprays containing anti-allergens can be used on your indoor furniture, carpets, upholstery, and bed.



Hay fever sufferers should avoid any other dust, smoke, or fumes that could exacerbate the problem.

I'm certainly no medical expert but some of these self help tips for Hay Fever sufferers seem pretty simple and if they are ineffective you haven’t wasted a load of effort and spent a load of money trying them out. Plus just think how clean your house will be!

Anyone for any more?

Top Photo Credit: Lhtnup

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