10 Benefits of Drinking One Gallon of Water per Day ...


10 Benefits of Drinking One Gallon of Water per Day ...
10 Benefits of Drinking One Gallon of Water per Day ...

You've probably heard about people drinking a gallon of water per day, but it sounded too strange to actually try. It is A LOT of water, but after a few days adjusting to the amount and easing yourself into it, you'll feel great! You'll also begin experiencing many of the benefits of drinking more water, like these:

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Prevents Overeating

The more water you drink, the fuller your body is. Which means there's less room for food! You won't overeat at meals or snack too much during the day when you are drinking one gallon of water per day!


Improves Skin

Wrinkles, dull skin, acne... all of your worst fears, right? Luckily, drinking a gallon of water a day can really help improve your skin. Your blemishes will smooth out and your skin will take on a healthy glow—it's truly amazing! You'll look like you've just returned from a seaside vacation every day! Plus, drinking a gallon of water per day helps prevent wrinkles so that your skin is beautiful later in life, too.


Flushes out Toxins

Let's get personal: water helps a lot in the bathroom department. It makes it easier to go, improves your colon functioning, causes more urination (kind of obvious), and prevents constipation. That means that the toxins don't get built up and stuck in your body. Your body needs water to function properly. Without a healthy amount of it, toxins linger in your body longer and a healthy lifestyle and appearance are much more difficult.


Burns Calories

Wait—burns calories? Where do I sign up? I knew this one would catch your attention! When you drink ice water, your body has to work to warm it up, and that work burns calories! So fill up that jug of water and throw in a few ice cubes and you'll start burning extra calories without even trying.


Boosts Your Metabolism

You really NEED water! When you drink more than the bare minimum to survive, you boost your metabolism. According to press.endocrine.org, "Drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30%" within 10 minutes. Obviously, you'll be drinking much more than 500 mL (about 2 cups) of water a day, so your body will get a continuous metabolism boost! Having a faster metabolism will mean that your body burns through food more quickly and you won't gain as much weight.

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Decreases Headaches

Headaches are such pests! They get in the way of studies, work, and fun by constantly pulling away your thoughts from the task at hand. But a constant method of prevention is drinking more water! The first symptom of dehydration is headaches, but if you're full of water, you won't have to deal with nearly as many headaches!


Banishes Dark Circles

A lot of women who did the 30 Day Gallon a Day Challenge noticed that the dark circles under their eyes vanished! I certainly hate those pesky dark circles, and would do anything to get rid of them! If all it takes is drinking a healthy dose of water to look healthier and more awake, of course I would try it! What's stopping you?


Aids in Digestion

Your body is composed of up to 78 percent water so if you’re lacking, things will start going wrong. Getting enough water each day helps your digestive tract do its job, preventing things like constipation. Adequate water intake also helps your body break down the foods you eat so you can better absorb nutrients and boost healthy bowel movements. Warm water is especially great for digestion.


Gives You Energy

According to the experts, drinking lots of water will give you energy and ward of tiredness. In fact, being just slightly dehydrated can lead to feelings of fatigue. If you’re dragging over the course of the day, get a drink of water and you’ll be feeling better in no time. Carrying a water bottle with you all day is an easy way to remind yourself to swig often.


Fights Bad Breath

No girl wants to see people backing away because her breath stinks. Being dehydrated and having a dry mount encourages the growth of bacteria that can cause bad breath. The simple fix? Drink more water to keep your body hydrated and the moisture at optimal levels inside your mouth. Rinsing with water after a meal will also help.

Drinking a gallon of water each day doesn’t take that much effort, considering all the amazing health benefits it has! If you’re stingy with your water intake, I encourage you to start working your way up to drinking a gallon a day starting now. If you’ve already been drinking a gallon per day, what benefits have you seen personally?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I drink over a gallon of water a day. I don't think they are implying to drink this in one sitting. I have no headches, long nails, shiny hair and no bloating after eating. Water is the best thing to put in your body, I've heard of people drinking too much at one time and dying because their sodium got to low in their bloodstream, but just use some common sense. Too much of anything is not good for you!

You can never drink enough water, what's our body made up of? We need to replenish our fluids as we use them. Drinking a lot of water is also great to keep your bowels in check...soon many benefits to drinking water and never in my 40 yrs have I ever heard of someone dying from too much water intake, think that should be checked~

Water is amazing I love you water

I know this information is what I have been seeking so I definitely will try this for 30 days!!

Water isn't what our body is made up from, our body is made up from a mixture of water, salt and sugar. That's why sports drinks are more hydrating than a glass of water. Water poisoning is a thing. It kills a lot of people. It happens when your body has less salt and sugar than it should, the vital organs can't function. The salt and sugar mixed with water are the energy to a lot of your organs. Take those away and they can't run on just water alone. It's the same thing dangers as alcohol poisoning and more. It's deadly. Which is why if your urine is clear, eat a salty or sugary thing before you drink anything else.

I started to drink water during the evening instead of alcohol ! I think water is gd for the skin maybe ?

I been drinking a gallon of water for a long time now. It really is the best you can do for yourself

What about dying from too much water? One gallon seems really excessive...

Aqua! At least it's calorie and fat free!

I'm going to try that water 30 day challenge and see the results after 🤷🏻‍♂️

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