8 Easy and Effective Ways to Banish Bad Breath ...


8 Easy and Effective Ways to Banish Bad Breath ...
8 Easy and Effective Ways to Banish Bad Breath ...

If you’re looking for simple ways to banish bad breath, have I got some helpful info for you! We all know that having bad breath is just, well, bad. So why suffer?! Whether you want to use these tips for yourself or want to discreetly pass the information on to someone else, you’ll find eight easy ways to banish bad breath so you and your friends can breathe easier!

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1. Salt Water Rinse

This is an easy way to banish bad breath while helping to soothe any inflamed gums and to prevent gingivitis. Salt water helps restrict the growth of bacteria and conserves them because it absorbs water molecules. Bacteria are unable to thrive without moisture, so rinsing your mouth out with salt water is a quick and easy bad breath remedy! Mix some salt with 8 ounces of lukewarm water and swish in your mouth for about 10 seconds.

2. Eat Apples

Another super quick way to get rid of bad breath while enjoying a nutritious treat is to eat an apple! It is said that the fruit under the skin of apples helps eliminate bad breath caused by onions and red meats. Apples are thought to reduce bacteria in the mouth and stimulate the production of saliva, which helps reduce tooth decay and bad breath!

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3. Drink Green Tea

Drinking green tea is another healthy habit to start! Sipping on the green stuff is not only helpful for your skin and health; it’s also known to help fight bad breath. A study conducted by Pace University found that green tea was effective in fighting and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. The polyphenols that naturally occur in tea are responsible for making this brew a bad breath remedy. Try drinking a couple of cups of green or black tea for oral health benefits.

4. Nosh on Oranges

Whenever we feel a cold coming on, we frequently reach for OJ because it’s high in vitamin C. Another reason you might want to grab an orange for its healthful vitamin content is to care for your mouth! Oranges, in addition to melons and berries, are known for their high vitamin C content, which helps combat bad breath, gum disease and gingivitis!

5. Chew Parsley

I’m sure you’ve heard of the bad breath remedy to chew parsley after you eat to prevent a stinky mouth. If you’re on a date and you happen to have some parsley as garnish on your dish-great, go for it! Parsley contains chlorophyll, which is known to freshen breath. Cinnamon and spearmint work the same way, so if you happen to have some handy, why not give it a try?!

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6. Avoid the Usual Suspects

If you want to prevent bad breath from happening, your first line of defense is to avoid the stuff that causes it in the first place! Avoid smoking, garlic, onions, coffee and certain spices. Some of these things can leave an odor or some simply dry out your mouth, which can also cause it to stink to the high heavens. Suck on sugar-free mints to keep your mouth moist and avoid eating bad breath foods when possible!

7. Brush with Baking Soda

Brushing your teeth with baking soda might not be the tastiest toothpaste but it sure works to fight bad breath! The acidity in baking soda is said to prevent bacteria from growing on your tongue. If you don’t want to brush with just baking soda and water, you can always use a toothpaste that contains baking soda or mix baking soda with water to rinse and freshen your mouth.

8. Take Care

This last bad breath remedy probably doesn’t need to be mentioned, but I read that people rarely spend enough time on oral care so I thought I’d bring it up. Taking proper care of your mouth, like brushing at least twice a day for 2-3 minutes a time, flossing, using a mouthwash and brushing your tongue, can make a huge difference in the health of your mouth! I know you guys know this already but it’s important enough to repeat, right?!

So there you have it, eight ways to prevent and banish bad breath from your life! I was happily surprised to see that some types of fruits are good for combating bad breath because I can never get enough of the sweet stuff! Do you have any home remedies for bad breath?

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Brushing with baking soda is a no-no. Wears out the teeth enamel. You're better off brushing at least twice a day and brush the tongue too. Gurgling minty water and mouth wash helps too. Do ittttt.

Lmao @ the model pic..all I could do was stare at her teeth

You can also eat plain yogurt everyday .. Try it for a week .. A guarantee you bad breath will go away .

Aw that's rude, she's beautiful!!

She probably gets made fun of a lot.

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