7 Great Ways to Improve Your Mood at Work ...


7 Great Ways to Improve Your Mood at Work ...
7 Great Ways to Improve Your Mood at Work ...

We've all been there: you wake up in the morning and you just don't feel like going to work at all. Maybe something is bothering you in your personal life or maybe you're just not happy with your current job position. No matter the reason, there are always little things you can do during your work day to cheer yourself up. I'm here to show you 7 Great Ways To Improve Your Mood at Work to get you feeling happier, and in turn, more productive at your office!

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1. Wear an Outfit That Makes You Feel Beautiful

Starting right in the morning! When you're getting ready for the day, pick one of your favorite outfits or a new outfit you've been saving for a special day to wear. No matter what we're doing, we always tend to feel better when we look fabulous! Not to mention the compliments you'll get are bound to make you smile.

2. Plan a Special Breakfast or Lunch

I'm a hardcore foodie so planning something like a special lunch for myself helps to get me through the first half of my day so much easier. Pick a place to order from that you normally wouldn't because it's a little more expensive or fattening. Treat yourself! If you do want to try and save money, buy a special breakfast instead as it tends to cost less than lunch. A delicious breakfast that you don't normally treat yourself to is a great way to start your morning and put you in a better mood. Also, if you have a friend or your significant other living or working in the area too, see if they want to grab lunch with you.

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3. Eat Your Lunch Somewhere Relaxing

Don't, don't, don't eat your lunch at your desk! If you have the time to take a lunch break, than you should make sure to definitely use that break to rejuvenate yourself. If it's a beautiful day outside, go out there to eat your lunch. Afterward, do something you love for the remainder of your lunch break like listen to music or draw. If it's not the best weather outside, see if you can sit in a vacant office or conference room to have your lunch and relax. A lunch break is there to break up your day and get you ready for the second half of it so use your time wisely!

4. Take a Stroll around the Office

If I'm feeling tired or uninspired, I like to get up and take a walk around the office. My office is huge so when I take a walk, I end up in places I rarely get to see on an every day basis. Not to mention that when I walk around, I often come across someone's desk who has candy out or leftover food from a birthday party! It feels good just to be able to stretch your legs and it's also a great way to burn a little more calories then you would be by sitting at your desk.

5. Bring in Sweets

If you love to bake or have some extra candy at the house, bring in some sweets to put out on your desk. Not only does it give you the opportunity to eat something that will make you smile, but it will also bring other coworkers to your desk. This gives you a reason to start up a conversation which will take your mind off of feeling so down. Plus, if it's a friend coworker you could even vent to them about whatever is going on. Talking out a problem with a friend is always a great way to gain a new perspective and feel better about the situation.

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6. Clear Your Desk & Decorate

From stray papers to scattered coffee mugs, desk clutter can make you lose focus and disrupt productivity. Take a few minutes during your day to organize your desk and throw away any unwanted papers. Not only will it look good to your boss that you are being more organized, it will also give you a more positive feeling when you sit down to your desk to start your day every morning. Plus, it decreases the amount of distractions that will take your mind away from your job responsibilities. Try creating a colorful new filing system, this way you can find things easier while having something bright and colorful to look at. Also decorate your desk with photos of your friends and family as well as with holiday decorations when the season calls for it. You will feel much more at home!

7. Get a Desk Plant or Fish

A study done by Virginia Lohr at Washington State University, found that when people performed a computer task in a room with plants, their productivity rose and their blood pressure was lower than people who did the task in a room without plants. "Plants help to humanize and relax us," says Lohr. Take this as an incentive to buy a small plant for your desk! Having something to look at that reminds us of nature can sooth us when we're feeling stressed. If your job allows it, another good thing to have is a desk fish, preferably a beta fish as they don't need much space or food. It's like having a little friend there to help get your through the day.

When all else fails, just remember that you actually have a job. The economy is so bad right now that I can make myself happier just by realizing how lucky I am that I found a job in my field. I do know too that working 5 days a week can be tough on your mood. You can feel like you're living at your job and that's never a good thing. Just remember to keep a positive attitude and do little things to make yourself happy throughout the day. The weekend will be here before you know it! What are some things you do at work that make you happy?

Top Image Source: yourstylestation.com

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