7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath ...

Lyndsie Jun 10, 2013

7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath ...
7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath ...

There are lots of effective, healthy ways to banish bad breath, whether you're trying to sweeten up your morning breath or improve a perpetual case of halitosis. Sometimes bad breath points to something seriously wrong, so if nothing seems to help you, then you should visit both your doctor and your dentist at once. First, though, see if the following remedies will help you banish bad breath for good!

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1. Maintain a Marvelous Hygiene Routine

The best way to banish bad breath is to keep up an excellent oral hygiene routine. Nothing beats brushing, flossing, and rinsing! You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss at least once, and use a gentle but effective mouthwash, preferably one that doesn't contain any alcohol. Most dentists agree that electric toothbrushes are more effective, but if you prefer a regular brush, that's fine. If you're really serious about your oral health and achieving fresher breath, invest in an irrigator of your own.

2. Less Soda, More Water

Your breath may smell less than fresh because you're not hydrated enough. Drinking water is so important, for your health in general and your oral health in particular. When you get thirsty, reach for water instead of soda. The carbonation and sugars in sodas are horrible for your teeth and bad for your breath. In fact, try to steer clear of anything too sugary, because it will just dry out your mouth and make your breath smell worse. However, when you want to switch it up a bit, green tea is great for fresher breath as well!

3. Eat Hygiene-Happy Foods

There are all kinds of foods you can eat to freshen your breath and keep it sweet! Parsley is excellent, but so are other herbs and spices such as cilantro, rosemary, cinnamon, cardamom, tarragon, eucalyptus, spearmint, and coriander – so start experimenting with your recipes and cook your way to better breath! Other helpful foods include yogurt, thanks to its live active cultures and probiotics; fruits such as pears, apples, berries, melons, and oranges, owing to vitamin C and extra saliva production; fresh veggies such as cucumbers, celery, and carrots, because they make you produce more saliva as well; and nuts that are rich in fiber, because they actually scrub your teeth and decrease bacteria stains.

4. Hook up with Your Dentist Regularly

Still, nothing beats regular dental visits, and coming from someone with a serious phobia, you know that's a big endorsement. You have to keep an eye out for cavities and gum disease, which lead to bad breath you can't always battle on your own. Besides, there's nothing like the deep cleaning you get from your dentist!

5. Avoid Smelly Snacks

Just as there are foods you should eat, there are also foods you should avoid. You don't have to completely cut them out of your diet, but if you're worried about your breath for a particular occasion, make sure you steer clear of foods such as onions, garlic, and anything excessively sugary or salty that will leave your mouth dry.

6. Vanquish the Vices

There are certain vices which make your breath smell worse. For instance, excessive alcohol, whether it's beer, wine, or mixed drinks, will leave your mouth dry and make it smell like booze. Of course, cigarettes are the worst culprits, not only because they leave an ashy odor in your mouth but also because they affect saliva production, so your mouth is left dry and more prone to bad smells.

7. Make It Sugarless

If you regularly keep gums, mints, and breath spays handy so you can monitor and improve your breath, that's just fine! However, you need to make sure you're using sugarless options. Remember, too much sugar is awful for your teeth but will ultimately make your breath smell worse in the bargain. The good news is that as long as your breath-busters are sugar free, they work splendidly!

With these techniques and remedies at your disposal, your breath should stay kissably sweet at all times! Remember, however, if your problem is particularly bad and long-lasting, make sure that there's nothing more serious going on by visiting a professional. Otherwise, keep up with good hygiene practices and try to avoid those things that normally lead to bad breath. How do you prefer to freshen your breath?

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Lolololololol number 4 haha no thanks

I also here that one of the causes for morning breath is eating dairy, meat, or sugary foods before you go to bed will cause you breath to stink in the morning, since the food is basically rotting in your mouth overnight.

By brushing my teeth n usiinqq mouthwash. Also chewing spearmint n wiinterqreen qum.

Good to know !!!!

The title for number 4 should be worded differently.

I must say I actually have a cute dentist ;) hahah!

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