8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System ...


8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System ...
8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System ...

We often think about ways to boost our immune system in winter. However, don’t forget about the rest of the year! What with allergies, stress and summer colds, the immune system needs looking after whatever the weather. So here are some ways to help.

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1. Supplements

Lots of herbal supplements and vitamins can give your immune system a lift. Echinacea is well-known for helping prevent colds and flu, but there are several vitamins that can help as well. Vitamin C is the obvious one, but Vitamin B can also be good for the immune system.

2. Sleep

Sometimes getting a good night’s sleep can be easier said than done, but it’s essential for our health and wellbeing. While we’re in the Land of Nod, our body repairs itself, and having had ample rest means that our immune system is better placed to ward off any attacks.

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3. Food, Glorious Food

Okay, so junk food is easier, cheaper and sometimes nicer, and it’s fine in moderation. However, to stay well we need plenty of vitamins to boost our immune system. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy gorgeous fresh fruit, but whatever the time of year make sure that you eat well.

4. Fresh Air

When it’s rainy and dull (and cold), who wants to go out? We need that fresh air though, as it’s a great boost for our system. So whenever you can, get out of the house and office – go for a walk or bike ride.

5. Reduce Stress

This may not be so easy, perhaps, but as stress can badly affect your health you need to try to minimise it. Take whatever steps you can to deal with your stress factors – feeling more in control of a situation can help considerably.

6. Exercise

I can speak from experience here – when I was under a great deal of stress, getting on my bike made me feel mentally and physically better. Exercise gets the endorphins going, and a happy brain can mean a happy body! So find something that you enjoy and get active.

7. Less Alcohol

Alcohol may be a common way of dealing with stress, but it won’t do your health any good if you overdo it. Too much can affect your immne system, so be sensible and reduce your alcohol intake. A moderate amount won’t do any harm, of course, but spread it out.

8. Reduce Sugar

I love sugary foods, but too much really isn’t good for the immune system. So if you find yourself forever coming down with colds, then see if cutting down on sweet treats helps. Eat some fruit instead – it’s still sugary, but at least has those vitamins!

So you see that there are lots of ways of looking after your immune system, and giving it a boost. Are there any supplements you swear by, or any other methods of staying healthy?

Top Photo Credit: Yack_Attack

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