13 Benefits of Drinking Hot Water ...


13 Benefits of Drinking Hot Water ...
13 Benefits of Drinking Hot Water ...

If you have ever followed any kind of health and fitness guru, I’m sure that you are well versed in all of the benefits that drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated on a daily basis can bring. Water is essential to making sure that your body runs as it should regularly, but have you ever taken a second to think about the good things that can come from drinking hot water as well as cold? Here are 13 benefits of drinking hot water.

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Better Digestion

Warm water in your stomach can help to stimulate better digestion, so your body won’t have to use so much energy to break down the food you are eating.



Hot water helps to flush out more toxins as you urinate and sweat. Your body temperature will rise as you drink it, and you will in turn sweat more.



Hot water, in particular, is good at flushing out fat deposits, and doing this can greatly improve your blood circulation.


Pain Management

Drinking hot water is an easy and effortless way for women to ease their period cramps. The heat relaxes muscles in that area and relieves the pain.


Weight Loss

The more water you drink, the more hydrated you are, and this, in turn, increases your metabolism. A fast metabolism gives you a better chance of losing weight effectively.

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Anti Ageing

Hot water helps to unclog pores, which in turn will increase elasticity in the face and also help to repairs cells quicker, giving an overall anti-aging effect.



Constipation is often a result of dehydration, so the more hot water you drink, the more regular your bowel movements are going to be. The hot nature of it over cold water will also help to break down food faster.



Hot water is particularly good for cleansing your skin because the high temperatures open up your pores and allow the toxins to be flushed out.


Better Hair

Hot water can activate the nerves at the roots of your hair, helping to make them soft, and this will, in turn, encourage your hair to grow faster and stronger.


No Dandruff

The more hydrated your skin and scalp are, the less likely you are to have to deal with pesky dandruff on a regular basis.


Less Infection Risk

If you are travelling or camping, it’s always best to drink boiled water because the heating process will kill any bacteria and microbes that might be present.



We’ve covered it above, but it’s worth repeating again. Two cups of hot water a day can increase your metabolism by about 30 percent, which is a crazy amount for something so simple!


Sore Throat

Sometimes sore throats can be unbearable, and an immediate way to ease the pain is to sip on a hot cup of water. The heat will dissolve the thick viscous mucous membranes that are causing the problems.

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