7 Impressively Potent Remedies for Those Painfully Pesky Migraines ...


7 Impressively Potent Remedies for Those Painfully Pesky Migraines ...
7 Impressively Potent Remedies for Those Painfully Pesky Migraines ...

Severe headaches and migraines in particular, can be debilitating. They can really knock people for six and put them out of action for hours or even days on end. If you are a sufferer, finding effective remedies for migraines can make a huge difference to your life. I’ve compiled a list of migraine remedies that I’ve come across during my years of alternating between putting up with them and trying to cure them – they range from the obscure to plain old simple home remedies. Welcome to my list of 7 Impressively Potent Remedies for those Painfully Pesky Migraines!

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1. Tiger Balm

Coming from Singapore, Tiger Balm has proved one of my favorite and best migraine remedies over the years. By rubbing a little of the balm into your forehead, you should find your sinuses relaxing and your head clearing. Try rubbing some of the balm onto your temples as well as forehead for a very severe migraine, but try not to use too much at once.

2. Sleeping in a Dark Room

Although it may seem like a self-explanatory remedy, having a nap in a dark room is one of the most effective ways of curing a migraine or headache. You want to make sure that the room is dark so that the light does not aggravate your head; silence is also helpful, if you are lucky enough to be alone.

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3. Massage the Back of Your Head

Indian culture has always taught that you should never massage your forehead and temples, but rather should apply gentle and even pressure to the back of your head to help your migraine. Try not to press too hard on your head and never rush a massage; instead, be slow and gentle to achieve the best result.

4. Lavender

Lavender scented oils and pillows have proved to be a great migraine remedy for hundreds of years. You can find various oils and other natural remedies that are specially designed to help with curing migraines at most drug stores. Picking natural lavender and purchasing vapor rubs that are lavender-scented are brilliant ways to clear your sinuses, aid breathing and ease your migraine..

5. A Cold Compress

Putting a cold compress such as a flannel over your eyes should help to relieve your headache. It’s one of the most common migraine remedies that I have come across, and proves to work for many people. Combining a cold compress with sleep in a dark room is one of the best combinations for helping with migraines and headaches.

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6. Soothing Strips

There are various brands of cooling forehead strips (such as Kool-N-Soothe) which are designed to help relieve you of headaches. The strips are non-medicinal, which means they can be used in conjunction with other medication and can be purchased from regular drug stores and supermarkets.

7. Ginger Tea

Sipping ginger tea has helped me in the past when experiencing a bad migraine. Try sitting in a quiet room with a soothing strip while drinking ginger tea for the best results - it’s even better if you can find someone else to make the tea for you! Mixing ground and grated ginger with honey and warm water is not only a great migraine remedy but is ideal for warming yourself up during the cold winter months.

I really hope that the experiences that I’ve had with various migraine remedies over the years can help you in the future; unless you’ve experienced the crippling effect that a migraine or bad headache can have on you, you won’t be able to understand how relieving a cure can be. The most effective remedy for you will vary – we’re all different, and our bodies react in different ways.

Any of these 7 Impressively Potent Remedies for those Painfully Pesky Migraines might be of help to you. Please add any additional tips that you may have for the readers of this list – I’ll be interested in reading your additio

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Peppermint oil used on the temples in the same way that Tiger Balm is recommended in these tips is amazing for any type of headache as well.

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