7 Unexpected Places to Sneak in a Workout ...


7 Unexpected Places to Sneak in a Workout ...
7 Unexpected Places to Sneak in a Workout ...

Places to Workout are different for everyone, and there are some really innovative choices out there. I mean, who says that the only places to workout are in gyms, yoga facilities, or outdoor tracks? That line of thinking makes it easy to skip a workout, because it's hard to make the time to get to all the usual places to workout. I’ve heard that excuse so many times, and actually used it myself: I’m just too busy to work out! Well, that’s just not true! There are so many places to workout, opportunities for some serious multi-tasking, so let’s get going! Here are 7 unexpected places to sneak in a workout.

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1. In Line

I loathe waiting in line… I’m so impatient! But I have to admit that it's one of the most convenient and innovative places to workout. After all, there’s nothing like a full grocery cart for support and balance while I do calf raises. The next time you’re stuck in a queue, give it a try! Feel the burn, baby!

2. The Backyard

You have to do yard work, you have to play with the kids, you have to walk the dog… so why not combine any (or all) of these with a little workout? Chase the dog and the kids, bounce on the trampoline, break out the old-school hand mower rather than the ride-on.

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3. The Day-care or School

Most primary schools and day cares welcome volunteers (with a background check, of course), so why not sign up and lead the kids in a rousing, calorie-burning game of tag, or some relay races?

4. At Work

This is one of my favorite places to workout, because I feel like I’m totally cheating The Man. Rather than slaving at my desk on lunch, I’ll get up and go for a walk, climb some stairs, or if I’m feeling particularly on edge, I’ll even jog around the lake.

5. The Club

There are many places to workout where it doesn't even seem like you're working out -- you're just having fun. Hey, dancing and flirting can burn a lot of calories, especially if you’re not adding them with fattening beers or mixed drinks. Slip into your favorite LBD, call the girls, and hit the floor!

6. At Home

That’s right: house work can burn loads of calories, and can be a fantastic workout, too! This is one of my favorite places for a workout because, hey, I’m already there! Put on some music, grab the duster and vacuum, and go, girl!

7. Girl's Night

Rather than having girl’s night at a restaurant, why not have it at the yoga studio or the gym? Those are, of course, great places to workout. Plus think about it! You’ll still get the quality time with your besties, but you’ll also be getting a good workout in, too… Not into yoga? Try Zumba, or kick-boxing, or even dance lessons.

See? It’s completely possible to sneak in serious activity in some unexpected places to workout. I especially like working out at work, and one of my very favorite places to workout is while I’m waiting in line, but what about you, my dear? Let me know which of these places to workout do you like best. Or is there another place you like to get your fitness on?

Top Photo Credit: lululemon athletica

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