9 Ways to Avoid Muscle Soreness after Exercise ...


9 Ways to Avoid Muscle Soreness after Exercise ...
9 Ways to Avoid Muscle Soreness after Exercise ...

Knowing how to avoid muscle soreness is one way of making your exercise or visit to the gym more enjoyable. We all know the benefits of keeping fit and healthy but if it is hard enough to motivate yourself to do exercise in the first place, then you do not need to worry about aches and pains to put you off even more. Muscle soreness can put you out of sorts for the rest of the day if you go to the gym first thing and also prevent you winding down properly if you exercise in the evening. To help you get the most out of your workout here are 9 Ways to Avoid Muscle Soreness After Exercise.

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1. Warm up

This is the most common tip for those who are doing exercise. The better your warm up, the more elastic your ligaments will become, getting the muscles ready for action! This will not only reduce muscle soreness but it will make your exercise more enjoyable as you feel increasingly flexible and energised.

1. Choose Carbohydrates

It is a good idea for your meal before exercise to be carbohydrates. These are slow burning so will act as a constant fuel during your workout. They retain energy which will then help to give your muscles a speedy recovery after you have used up other sources of energy.

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2. Find Foods with Magnesium in

This is a tip which is undertaken by many professionals when it comes to exercise. It helps to reduce muscle soreness as it is an important element when it comes to producing energy in the body’s cells. You can find it in high concentration in many pulses and even just a small portion of peas can make a huge difference! There is also the option of magnesium capsules which will help you to perform at your absolute best.

3. Water, Water, Water

When you actually get to doing your exercise, you need to keep drinking. We lose so much water when doing exercise and so to rehydrate is very important, not only for muscle soreness, but for the health and well-being of your body. Carry a water bottle with you and keep taking sips from it – you’ll most likely crave it anyway! Dehydration can cause severe muscle aches, so it is advisable to drink as much as you can to get the ultimate benefit during and after exercise.

4. Snack Break

If you are doing a long cardio workout then it will be beneficial to take along a fairly high sugar snack. If you can stop and have an apple (or eat a banana, like we see many a professional tennis player do, mid-match) this will make you feel refreshed but also will help to prevent muscle soreness too! The sugar will give your muscles a boost of energy which will help you to carry on going. This has to be a light snack though as you do not want to get a stitch or feel weighed down during the exercise.

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5. Warm down

This is as important as your warm up – it is vital that you do not just suddenly stop. Try and slowly ease down your activity and end with a stretch. This is absolutely key in avoiding cramp and muscle soreness after exercise.

6. Rest

Your muscles have worked hard and need to have a chance to recuperate. Resting will mean that your muscles can fully recover and be ready for your next work out.

7. Indulge in a Massage

If you do suffer badly from muscle soreness after exercise, then massage is a great way to improve the situation. Not only is it a huge treat for you but will benefit those poor tired muscles. It will get your blood circulating and aid muscle recovery.

8. High Protein Foods

After exercise, if you try and eat some high protein foods such as lean white meats within about 8 hours of your workout, then they will help your kidneys to secrete waste products. The protein will play an important part in building your muscle cells.

9. Anti-inflammatory Tablets

If your muscle soreness is really bad, then a small dose of anti-inflammatory can help your muscle ache to calm down. You do not need much and should only be used as a last resort!

Some of these tips are common sense and you already do them as part of your normal routine although you probably weren’t aware of their relevance to muscle soreness. Others may be new to you and you’ll need to add them to your exercise pattern. These 9 Ways to Avoid Muscle Soreness After Exercise should help you to make the most of your workout and ensure that you have an enjoyable time!

Do you have an after-gym or post-exercise treat? Is it healthy?

Top Photo Credit: pinterest.com

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My recoveries became much better after I've started taking Navy Seal Formula. I did not really want to take any supplements but this one is natural and quickly brings me up. I like the effect and I like how my workouts have improved due to this product.

Stretching after a workout will help you not be as sore in the morning. Repeating the same exercises the next day will stimulate blood flow in the specific areas which will also decrease soreness!

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