45 Ways to Help You Fall Asleep for Girls Struggling with Insomnia ...


45 Ways to Help You Fall Asleep for Girls Struggling with Insomnia ...
45 Ways to Help You Fall Asleep for Girls Struggling with Insomnia ...

No one can operate at their most effective when they are sleep deprived. A good night’s sleep is vital for your body and mind to reenergize, repair and renovate. Short term lack of sleep can leave you lethargic and prone to stress. In the long term, sleep deprivation can increase your risk of stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, depression and a whole lot more. I’ve got here a whole list of things you can try when you struggle to get to sleep or sleep for long enough. You’ll find some of these suggestions contradictory so you have to experiment to see which works best for you.

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Make Your Bedroom Dark to Fall Asleep Faster

Make Your Bedroom Dark to Fall Asleep Faster


Make Use of Earplugs to Avoid Any Disturbance

Make Use of Earplugs to Avoid Any Disturbance


Wear Your Night Socks with Your Pajamas Tucked in It to Avoid Feeling Cold

Wear Your Night Socks with Your Pajamas Tucked in It to Avoid Feeling Cold


Say No to Alcohol and Smoking before Bed to Avoid Disruptions during Sleep

Say No to Alcohol and Smoking before Bed to Avoid Disruptions during Sleep


Think about Something Beautiful While Trying to Sleep

Think about Something Beautiful While Trying to Sleep

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Keep Calm when You Cannot Fall Asleep and the Sleep Will Follow

Keep Calm when You Cannot Fall Asleep and the Sleep Will Follow


Make Your Brain Think You're Tired by Yawning

Make Your Brain Think You're Tired by Yawning


Put Your Love for Pets on Hold and Keep Them out of Your Room at Night

Put Your Love for Pets on Hold and Keep Them out of Your Room at Night


Take a Warm Shower before You Go to Bed to Make You Sleepy

Take a Warm Shower before You Go to Bed to Make You Sleepy


Drink Milk or Some Warm Liquid before You Go to Sleep

Drink Milk or Some Warm Liquid before You Go to Sleep


Try a Few Quick Stretches before You Go to Sleep to Relax Your Body and Mind

Try a Few Quick Stretches before You Go to Sleep to Relax Your Body and Mind


Don't Drink Too Much Caffeine Right before You Go to Bed

Don't Drink Too Much Caffeine Right before You Go to Bed


Wear a Sleep Mask

Wear a Sleep Mask


Invest in a Bigger Bed to Have Enough Space to Sleep Comfortably

Invest in a Bigger Bed to Have Enough Space to Sleep Comfortably


Try Natural Sleep Aids to Fall Asleep

Try Natural Sleep Aids to Fall Asleep


Have Drapes around the Bed to Cut out Light and Feel as if You’re in a Sanctuary

Have Drapes around the Bed to Cut out Light and Feel as if You’re in a Sanctuary


Quit Using the Internet in Bed to Relax Your Brain and Sleep Better

Quit Using the Internet in Bed to Relax Your Brain and Sleep Better


Select Your Mattress and Pillow considering Your Sleeping Style

Select Your Mattress and Pillow considering Your Sleeping Style


Spend Time Outdoors Each Day to Keep Your Circadian Rhythm in Balance

Spend Time Outdoors Each Day to Keep Your Circadian Rhythm in Balance


Create a Relaxing Environment and Make an Effort to Sleep Early Every Night

Create a Relaxing Environment and Make an Effort to Sleep Early Every Night


Set a Time to Go to Bed and Get up in the Morning and Stick to Them

Set a Time to Go to Bed and Get up in the Morning and Stick to Them


Ditch Your Phones, Computer, and Other Devices Hours before You Go to Sleep

Ditch Your Phones, Computer, and Other Devices Hours before You Go to Sleep


Avoid Taking a Nap in the Middle of the Day to Make It Easier to Fall Asleep at Night

Avoid Taking a Nap in the Middle of the Day to Make It Easier to Fall Asleep at Night


Imagine Sinking down into Your Mattress to Tell Your Brain It's Time to Sleep

Imagine Sinking down into Your Mattress to Tell Your Brain It's Time to Sleep


Wear Whatever’s Comfortable to You

Wear Whatever’s Comfortable to You


Read to Relax but Avoid Mysteries, Horrors and Thrillers That Will Keep Your Mind Working

Read to Relax but Avoid Mysteries, Horrors and Thrillers That Will Keep Your Mind Working


Play a Musical Instrument before You Go to Bed

Play a Musical Instrument before You Go to Bed


Write a Trippy Dream in a Notebook and Forget about It until Morning

Write a Trippy Dream in a Notebook and Forget about It until Morning


Keep Your Bedroom Lights Low for at Least an Hour before Bed

Keep Your Bedroom Lights Low for at Least an Hour before Bed


Change the Wall Color, Arrange the Furniture, and Make Other Changes to Make Your Bedroom Feel Comfortable

Change the Wall Color, Arrange the Furniture, and Make Other Changes to Make Your Bedroom Feel Comfortable





Don’t Go to Bed Hungry

Don’t Go to Bed Hungry


Try a Homemade Bedtime Rub

Try a Homemade Bedtime Rub


Experiment and Find the Best Position That Helps You Fall Asleep Quickly

Experiment and Find the Best Position That Helps You Fall Asleep Quickly


Have a Bedtime Mantra

Have a Bedtime Mantra


Don’t Go to Bed Angry

Don’t Go to Bed Angry


Relax Every Muscle in Your Body Starting from Your Toes All the Way up to Your Neck

Relax Every Muscle in Your Body Starting from Your Toes All the Way up to Your Neck


Make Sure to Have a Comfortable Temperature in Your Room

Make Sure to Have a Comfortable Temperature in Your Room


Enjoy Some Lyric-free Music at Low Volume to Relax and Feel Sleepy

Enjoy Some Lyric-free Music at Low Volume to Relax and Feel Sleepy


Try Deep Breathing before Bed to Relax Stress and Prepare Your Body for a Relaxing Sleep

Try Deep Breathing before Bed to Relax Stress and Prepare Your Body for a Relaxing Sleep


Avoid Drinking Liquids before Bed for an Uninterrupted Sleep

Avoid Drinking Liquids before Bed for an Uninterrupted Sleep


Turn Your Phone off

Turn Your Phone off


Set Your TV at a Low Volume at Least an Hour before You Go to Sleep

Set Your TV at a Low Volume at Least an Hour before You Go to Sleep


Get Your Partner to Give You a Relaxing Massage

Get Your Partner to Give You a Relaxing Massage

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Does anyone know why it takes me an hour or two to fall asleep? Even on days I feel tired

Good advise, thanks

When I was little, my Mom used to calmly sing "relax the toes, relax the feet, relax the legs" all the way up to my head and it used to frustrate me and now as a 19 year old, when I can't sleep, I hum the very same tune in my head... (:

I can only ever sleep if I cuddle with my BF

It's called " Your Present: a half hour of peace", by Susie Mantell. It's wonderful.

I'm not struggling to sleep at the beginning but I want to avoid waking up in the middle of the night 😩 it's tiring...

Anxiety,stress and worry keep running through my mind, too. I use a delta sleep tape. Sounds like sounds from another world, but I never get to the end. There is also a great cd called your perfect half hour, I think. It's incredible.

It used to be if I ever had a hard time, I would pop in my favorite Disney movie but I have outgrown that now!! :(

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